Amazing Texts from a War Revival Zone

Here's just a few of the many amazing texts we receive in a week. A dear friend and young man of God sent it to me this morning, the weekend past he visited the home of his in-laws for a rest and got this reality check that the invisible realm and eternity are closer than we think and "At the name of Jesus every knee will bow":
 8 Aug 2012
 The women in there who suffered of demon posses for almost two months was being set free last saturday night, we are about to sleep then we heard a loud voice shouting, laughing, saying that GOD was now crawling, God has lost his mind coz he offered Jesus in the cross. Then we go to her house, we prayed for her then she shouted a very loud voice then begin vomiting, crying, she vomit for almost two minutes, then she begun to calm down, we ask her to say JESUS but she didnt like to open her mouth, then we preach JESUS to her, while preaching her face begun to turn back to normal, we ask her if she wants to accept JESUS in her life, she said yes then we pray, we gave her a bible. Sunday morning we return home, NOW SHE IS TEXTING us she is now free, very happy and always reading d bible and praising GOD. TO GOD BE THE GLORY See more
These following texts came directly after we had held spiritual warfare meetings teaching the saints that demons can be dislodged over people, towns & regions by binding and loosing AS THE SPIRIT ALONE LEADS But follow up is required
8 Aug 2012 From Karen
Wild move of d enemy bcoz many muslims r rceiving Jesus,jas tonite another nfo came out fr our police friend that bombings n every municipality s being launched,entry pts were xposed.holdirng firmly on d
Lord coz He s taking care of Mindanao.

D Lord s so gracious n ds area bro george,bombs r detonated presing on wd our faith that ders gona b more favor,n d military atack 2 were cnfirmed dead fr d rbels& 1 soldier mising,i hav not opened my mails yet bro george ì'l do it tmorow.this hapenings s bringing us to ofensive mod bro george on fri we wil b n d maguindaon youth a muslim jesus
believer wil b wd us to share his testimony bt Jesus,halleluia!

9 Aug 2012 Karen 11:44
Join us again n prayer,5 bombs have pased tro datu piang target s midsayap,identified carier woman,may Jesus touch her.early ds mrng one of our muslim believer partner txted that öne of d. member of their fam was killed due to d rebel atack,they r n one of d muslim cmunity n midsayap.Let mighty power b dsplayed here

Just a few days before this we specifically travelled and called leaders together in this place called Kapacan. We also met with the chief of police to inform them that it had been revealed to us that blood was about to be shed in their area. The police chief confirmed that someone had been shot dead the day before, someone else that day, then bombs were planted. This man offerred us an armed escort every place we travelled. Our mission was to gather intercessors to stop this before innocent blood was shed.

Karen 10 Aug 2012 21:25
30min ago a bomb xploded n kabacan,no news yet of casualties.holding so tight n prayer for acordingly kabacan&mimdsayap r d target today

This text is discussing a mixed meeting of Muslims, Catholics, unbelievers & Christians that took place and what of the biggest universities here in Philippines. Over a 1,000 atteneded and the Holy Spirit descended during the meeting.

Amazing things happen dad, almost all the youth inside the gym baptize with the Holy spirit, students jumping, kneeling and crying before God. Wow to God be the glory. I have some videos and pictures my classmate take it.

This next text is from one of our team Ann who was leading another team in the Compostella Valley, now infamous from the Typhoon Pablo that wiped out entire villages a couple of weeks ago, killing a reported 1,000 with a further unreported 2,000 in the mountains,

We will be having prayers until m0rning t0nyt t0gether w/d past0rs here. God's agenda again... 1 rebel just surrendered to the may0r here bc0s of intercessi0n. 2 Witchcraft influenced felt God's l0ve and gave their lives to r true God.

Samal missi0naries graduati0n is on 25th George... I'l see u s0on as we finish this exp0sure on  21st. S0me of d team wil go to the war place nextwek where that rebel wh0 surenderd came fr0m. Help us pray..

More texts regarding the rebel wars here

From Jay, US Missionary in Manila 11 Aug 2012 8:45
Cotabto update: the hiway btween midsayap & kabacan is closed,also datupaglas, tacur0ng,esperanza & dinaig. Fiearce firefight bet AFP & m0ro rebels. No m0re people in pikit & pagalungan,evrybody has left! Nxt target is koronadal city! Target sites of bombing s terminal and public market. Pls. Pray! -(this is from one of the pastors in midsayap, ptr orlando macaspac)

5 students bombed in Kapachan last night, 2 weeks after we declared Satan has planned to shed much blood in that gateway. During our teaching on spiritual authority and dislodging demons 2 police decapitated last nite in Isulan, one head still missing. Abush on a van close by 4 dead, 6 injured.

Have just left a Muslims wife, she told us they greatly desire to kill during Ramadam? Yes, we r binding this strongman. Today we r back at the Tacurong village, many are expected since the word has gone out re the miracles. Have been invited to preach in a Mosque next week. Also, the place where Romeo was have pleaded that we go, there is a convey of marines that will travel with us.. Getting revival hot here bro! Praise Jesus

In the same area and about the same time - as per usual directly after spiritual authority teaching and binding the strong man, the darker the area the more blood is shed.

From Romeo 11 Aug 2012 19:41pm
Bro george when we go to tata house this evening man  died ,he is shot by a carnaper
George reply:
oh dear, close to her house? Muslim related?
Not close to her,you know we see the body ,oh so sad,his motor bike gone
we are praying for the family. yes you are right it is so sad

This text followed a half day outreach in very rural village that has no witness

From sis Vennie Tacurong 12 Aug 18:12
Oh! How great is our tGOD!I RECEIVEd a call just now from PALUMBE TELLING ME THAT THEY WANT TO EXTEND THEIR THANKS TO U..THE LADY WHO HAS A SWOLLEN SHOULDER HAS BEEN HEALED, THE FEET CAN ALREADY WALK. .thb lady that cnt breath is now ok and the baby that has fever n cough are alright heart shout and sing hallelujah tn the King.  Is going to maguindanao postponed? How about n davao?

More War

Bro G n sis J. .  Datu piang maguindanao and bararao maguindanao are having encounter dis very hour..very loud sounds of gun firefighting. .  People in palumbe called me just now,,they panick and fel nervous. . Pls help me pray for their protection pls.

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