2,000 dead in the flood & Mass Murderer Turns Evangelist- Dec 31, 2011

Dear friends,

We are increasingly affected by experiencing a REAL move of God and it seems amazingly natural - So matter of fact, as if that is the way things have always been.. But, sadly I have my own comparison from my own land of Scotland how it was in the revival of the 70's compared to now. How God must grieve over nations that choose secularism and liberalism before Christ's precious salvation.

Next week, we are due back in the "Autonomous Muslim Region Mindanao, Philippines" for further teaching of local leaders. We previously left for Manila the day the Typhoon hit and killed 2,000+ people. When we boarded the plane that morning there was hardly a cloud in the sky. Someone mentioned "rain" over the weekend, never thinking that so much death and tragedy would visit so many whilst they slept in there beds that night.

I believe there is spiritual significance. A large prayer conference was held in the very place that the flooding hit back in June. Revival history suggests that natural or man made disasters often follow hard on the heels of a fresh move of Gods spirit.
Nevertheless, Such amazing things still developing there. In Mlang the 4 am Morning prayer meetings in the former Car Hijack Capitol now attract 500+ from all denominations, united in their cry for revival.

On Christmas day we met with my son, his family and the YWAM team they are leading in Penang Malaysia. On the drive to the place we agreed to meet the team for dinner the taxi driver told us that 8 years ago on boxing day was when the Tsunami hit the very beach we would be meeting on. He told how a 2 year
old child was swept 2 miles out to sea then later in the day washed back to the beach still on the upright bed. We learned two very important things, first "Our God who we serve is able to deliver us". Second always have a wooden bed :-).

SMS; just arrived on phone; loosely translated "Dear pastor George (I have said I prefer George) i am arranging meetings with the tribal Muslims, they need to know more about Jesus, please can you come when you are here and help us teach for 2 days then we can go to the next place".. A revival is not always as clean and clinical as we would prefer, there is always a clean up after new birth.. What does a newly converted Christian Muslim look like? Interestingly they dont know either and with much love patience and compassion we aim to teach them a life of loving Christ and walking in His Spirit. At all costs avoiding Christendom and churchianity. The goal is Christlikeness and our clear new testament example.

Again, if we come to mind prayers appreciated. My dear and brave wife Jo and Jay will be joining me on this trip.


A magnificent testimony of Christ's saving grace in war torn Liberia. This man, said to have murdered over 20,000 during the 14 year civil war now preaches repentance and forgiveness on the same streets, asking all who he offended to forgive him and receive Christ's forgiveness also..


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