Will Jesus Heal My Daddy Too?

Afril - Healed of neck lump & Back Pain - His Daddy, healed of back pain

Will Jesus Heal My Daddy Too?

We walked down the shadowed, narrow, crooked track with ramshackle huts & homes either side of the street. And came across a small open fronted store that would make and sell coffee. There is room for about 6 people standing in the unlit space at the back and a bench for two people to squeeze on to at the front. Jun our translator was already in there when we arrived. 

On that bench was where Jo & I found a few minutes welcome rest.
Numerous people had followed us there because of the message and the miracles they had heard of or seen at the last location we had preached. 

The open street entrance to the this small family store is jammed packed with inquiring faces. The owners of the store and their young family that helped run it, look a bit bewildered at this new and unusual activity. 

Meanwhile Jo, Jun & I try to look normal as we wait for the very sweet and welcome coffee that they serve here. There are several late teens, early twenties stood among them. One asks why we are there?
So, that's music to our ears and we share the message of Christ and His cross. Praise God, as soon heads are bowed and some are receiving Christ as their personal saviour.

Surprisingly, later that night, right across the mountain at our evening outreach several of these young people travelled through the mud and the dark to be there. And they hardly wanted to leave at the end. 

They asked if we could come and see them again. One has since text several times to say she can’t stop reading the bible, doesn’t know what’s happened to her. Her life suddenly seems wonderful.

While we are there a young boy called Afril, 14 years old Lad on left in top photo), spends his day lifting 80 lb loads up and down the mountain for 50p/75c a trip. One of the team spoke to him along the way. He had a huge lump on his neck, Vennie prayed with him and it immediately shrunk by about 50% then he ran off.


This little fella is Mark Laurence - He trained me to stroke his head while he dips the bread roll we gave him in my coffee Whatever crowd is round about us, this little fella will push through and adopt me as his granddad and wants to let everyone know that he enjoys that status and that they don't.

Afril, now returned and pressed through the crowd at the door of the coffee shop and asked “Can my dad be healed too? He's outside”

I found that very moving that this young lad would run home to get his daddy knowing that they both shared the same gruelling lifestyle and same back pain and injuries.  

I followed Afril back out through the crowd back on the street. Once outside I saw his dear dad. The poor man stood humble and bowed beside his heavy sack of rock ore. He had believed his sons miracle testimony and came to where we were in the hope that Jesus could help too. 

Shaking him by the hand. I asked the wizened man, through Jun our interpreter, how old he was “54” was the reply, I was moved with compassion as I’m a year older than this man. Yet our lives are very different. Mine is so blessed and fulfilled his is backbreaking labour everyday, just so they can earn enough to eat. 

I asked Jun to ask him what was wrong? As expected in this place we received the usual reply "several chronic back injuries". Jun spoke with him explaining that Jesus wanted to lift the burden of guilt and sin from off him. He nodded enthusiastically then prayed with Jun to accept Christ as His personal saviour. 

Then we prayed asking Jesus to heal his back, in a moment a broad smile crossed his face as he reported feeling warm and all the pain left Him. Jesus was right there on this dirty street, healing this man so as his life could be a bit more bearable.

I truly praise God for all the miracle healings we see in the city churches, but there is something profoundly humbling when you see Jesus touch them right in the midst of their suffering,. How glorious that Christ is willing to come right were we are. And you will see that if you will hear His call to go?
What a gracious God we serve.

UPDATE April 2024: A couple of months back, 10 years AFTER this above event. Jo & I were in Cambodia, and the young girl that served us coffee that day was with us. She is now a missionary in Phnom Phen. She invited me to speak to someone in that village on a video call she was having. I was very blest and surprised to see this old man standing alongside the lady who wanted to call. 

This man was able to share that Jesus had actually healed him that day, not just of back trouble but also tuberculosis. And that he remains happy & pain free 10 years later.

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