Very Eternal day yesterday. Wed 11th Nov 2015.  Jo & I travelled north to my home town to care for my dear mum for a few days. We are staying in the visitors room at the sheltered housing complex where my parents live. We are there because my dad has been really struggling lately, emotionally, psychologically and physically. The result of this stress is that he was admitted to the local hospital on Tuesday for tests.

Thankfully, it seems they have found the main reason for his weird behavior patterns. Are you amazed at the medical worlds ability to analyse & diagnose conditions? They discovered via blood tests a vitamin B12 deficiency also know as "Pernicious Anemia. Now here’s an alternative tragedy about the med world as this condition can be caused by being given the wrong meds which cancel the bodies B12 utilisation. In some cases this can prove fatal, hence the term Pernicious.

However, with dad being in the hospital, Jo slept in the visitor’s room and I spent the night on my folk’s two-seater couch so that I could keep track of my dear mum. She sometimes likes to go walk about and may fall down.....apparently, another wonderful side affect of her meds. After she experimented reducing them and even refusing some of them for a while, not so surprisingly, both the wandering and the falling stopped and her memory returned. It was like Mum came back, how precious were those few days.. But, now due to "caring people” and “powers” that be she has been forced back on them and is supervised to see that she takes them.

I cannot tell you how sad it is to see my dear mum there physically but far, far away as a living breathing, feeling person.  Dementia, of course can be instantly healed, but also, is curable with the right care and accelerated down the way with the wrong care. We should do all possible to prevent our elderly taking meds that diminishes the precious memory & emotions of someone dear to your heart.

Well, we have watched with silent and sometimes not so silent pain as The Ice Kingdom of Narnia seems to claim yet another victim. Emotions turn to stone, the face becomes like a mask, the wandering begins again and so does the unsteadiness. What an amazing thing meds and their perpetrators are. They say it’s for our good e.g.. chemo, forced vaccines, supervised medication, but that mantra is sadly lacking in sustainable evidence. Equally sadly, in the last few month’s ten doctors who both discovered & strongly supported alternative cancer cures, vaccine/Autism links have tragically died this year. Just saying!Ah! but that battle with my mum aint over yet.. will have more to report on this soon.

However, after a fitful night on the small couch I found myself praying my self awake. Neither in sleep or out of it, actually wake up to find that you are already in mid prayer to the Lord? That’s happened numerous times before, always interesting. Yesterday was doubly intriguing since I didn’t understand what I was praying? As I surfaced out of slumber I was whispering in prayer and breaking my parents covenant with the ground and breaking their covenant with death! Whilst not fully awake enough to know why or what even I was praying, I then saw a picture in my mind of my parents “pre paid burial plot" that they have in their local cemetery. Complete with black granite headstone, all fully inscribed apart from the date of death! They even have a picture of themselves on the headstone!!

Then the realisation dawned that my parents, in buying the burial plot and completing the details of their demise had made a covenant with the earth and death since it appears if they were already there in the ground. In doing so, it seems they had crossed a line and opened a door to a death spirit.

I personally don’t think that there is that much wrong with buying a burial plot if you have the Holy Spirits permission to do that. However I do believe you cause a breach in the spirit if you carry it to a terminal extreme as it seems my parents had.

Therefore in the early hours of the morning, I was praying in the spirit and cancelling that covenant and the power of it. Felt release in the spirit and thought no more about it.

Fast forward to 2:30pm afternoon visiting time at the hospital where my father was. I had visited the night before and our time together wasn’t pleasant. My dear dad & I argued about him wanting home NOW, and me insisting, with a tad more energy than I’d ever like to have care to have towards my hero dad, that he should stay and finish the course of vitamin B12 he had been placed on. So, now I’m returning for the afternoon visit and quietly praying that we can meet as father and son, friends, brothers in Christ even, and have a great visit together. That was not to be..

My mum, Jo & I, we entered the ward. I saw his bed with the curtains pulled around it. The nurse came out smiling, I asked if it was ok to see my dad. With her permission I entered and was confronted by an awful sight. I was horrified to see my dear dad contorting with spasms, eyes crossing, face twisted.. looking like he was fighting for his life. Oh my dear dad! I rushed to the nurse’s desk and asked for someone to come quick. I returned to the bed to lay hands on him and rebuke a death spirit. A nurse and student came to the bedside with an orange juice drink and candies and explained he was simply having a hypo because his blood sugar was low. I replied I had seen my dad have several hypos but nothing like this as this looked like what I imagine a stroke to look like.

We spent the next hour trying to stabalise him, get his blood sugar raised and his speech back. The duty doctor came through and also assured its just a hypo and left. My sister, who’s also a staff nurse arrived with her husband and was appalled at what she saw, stating this is not a hypo and took professional charge of the situation. She soon had him in a chair, very weak, couldn’t talk, but certainly an improvement on what he was.  After a while she had him all cleaned up and resting on the bed as we waved our goodbyes until the evening visiting time just a couple of hours later.

On entering the ward for the evening visit I was hastily introduced to a highly animated doctor who explained that an ambulance had been called because they now thought my father had taken a stroke and he would soon be rushed to the city hospital thirty miles away. Oh no I thought, as I went to my dad’s bedside. But I was surprised to see that he actually looked better than when I’d left him a couple of hours ago. Though his face still seemed expressionless. His jaw hung open and he could not talk he seemed reasonably alert and could communicate after a sort.

Soon after I gave up trying to catch the ambulance as his flashing blue light privilege soon had him a blue strobe way off in the distance. My two sisters, brother in law & I arrived at Accident & Emergency and committed to the long wait until we were allowed in to see him..... When we were eventually allowed bedside Oh my! Things did not look good at all. He was wired up like an IBM computer with tubes & wires. He was barely conscious.  A very efficient nurse attended to seemingly endless tests. Fortunately the top stroke consultant was able to attend to my dad and did so with great care. He explained that a scan revealed by dad had a blockage and had actually had three previous strokes which none of us knew about including my father knew about?

Since we were crowding the small curtained bay where they were trying to treat him, my brother in law and I left my two sisters bedside and we headed back to the waiting area. for a while.  The consultant spoke to us at the door and explained quite directly that things did not look good. He had been told that the stroke had occurred about 5:30pm and was quite shocked when I clarified it was actually 2:30pm I know that because I was there. The Dr seemed disappointed and mentioned that there was a window of opportunity in cases like these and, well, we were passed it. He took a pause and said would continue treating the case as it was and if he pulled through rehabilition could help make life a little easier afterwards. However, we should be aware the fact was he could die, it could be soon, it could be tonight. That’s about the last words you ever want to hear about some one very precious to you. My dad’s visible condition painfully confirmed the specialists words of experience. He was a kind man, i knew that he was being compassionate but honest in how he spoke to us.

Once outside the emergency ward, I excused myself and headed out into the cold car park to pray, oh what an agony, where does one begin, how do you even pray - Is it his time? Is a miracle still possible?

I left a message on Jo’s voicemail to pray and get everyone she knew to pray. It was so cold that eventually I came inside and found a place to pour out my soul to God in a deserted coffee bar area that was closed for the night. I walked back and forth asking that my dad would not pass like this. The last few weeks had been particularly hard for him and every one within range had experienced the collateral damage of his mood swings and personality change - All of which are directly listed as common side effects for his meds according to the drug manufacturers Side affects & conflicts warnings page.

A boost to my faith was that Jo & I have had the privilege of seeing many people instantly healed of stroke symptoms after prayer in the name of Yeshua. Would Father heal my dad also? Prayer quickly became engaging, easy even. It felt like I was throwing off layer after layer after layer of suffocating invisible sheets, till eventually, a peace came that whatever the Lords will was is exactly what would happen and not some random event decreed by doctors or demons. It was done and my heart was settled. I determined I will praise Him whatever happens. My brother in law joined me again in prayer

After a while we swapped place with my sisters at the bedside. Oh man! Even after all that prayer, within the last 30 minutes things had deteriorated even worse. It looked as if he was almost or soon to be gone.

THE DOCTOR WARNED US - YOUR FATHER MAY NOT PULL THROUGH THIS .... and I could see his prophecy of doom coming to pass before my very eyes. I cannot explain how, standing in that emergency ward, I felt about watching my hero, my dad deteriorate to the edge of life itself before our very eyes. Speech gone, paralysis on the left side, blood sugar plummeted to terminal levels, face twisted into an unrecognisable mask. We prayed and prayed and watched as he got rapidly worse over the next long hour. Pulse, breathing and blood pressure all triggered the loud bleeping monitor alarms again and again.

Most painful for me was watching as the light in his once bright eyes dimmed and faded before they fell shut. The nurse hurriedly repeated a battery of checks. I leaned forward and whispered encouragements in my dear dad’s ear. Told him that the Lord was with him, that His heavenly Father loved him and treasured him. I didn’t know if he could even hear me far less understand as his consciousness seemed so far gone. I whispered again and again “hold on in faith dad, hold on now”. I was both surprised and delighted when he gave a small but perceptible nod without opening his eyes. He was still there, still fighting.. My heart lifted a little with hope..

It seemed like a critical point had been reached and the staff asked to wait outside again. What a lonely time that is when you can do nothing other than hope, pray and remember better days.

Back in the waiting room my two sisters, brother-in-law and I joined hands and prayed as a family. We knew others were praying in there homes. We stood and it was a prayer of a different kind, not like a grace before a meal or a bedtime prayer. There was an urgency, this was all or nothing as we united in faith. Come what may, we were committing my father one last time to the will of God. There were tears.

Shortly, the nurse that had stood by doing all he could to bring my daddy back appeared out of the locked ward and asked us to come bedside again. He said he had something to show us? What did that mean?

We followed him down the dark narrow corridor, my sister was led the way into the booth when my father lay. I was several steps behind her and but watched for what her reaction would be since she would be the first to see his condition, she stopped in her tracks and reeled back at what she saw.. My next sister did the same thing and within a few steps I too was standing still, staring..

Lo and behold - There was my dear dad; God had answered our prayers in His way. The monitor alarms were all silent now, his body no longer contorting, he was at peace. A beautiful smile replaced the tortured features of just a few moments earlier. Pain, urgency and panic no longer electrified the air, tranquil peace now reigned and a sense of eternity filled the room. What a moment.

Yeshua the Shepherd had indeed come for His troubled lamb – Had He not  promised “I will never leave you or forsake you”? and that He would be our very present help in trouble? A He truly is.

Was the Shepherd going to stand somewhere off in the distance and watch as His purchased lamb struggle between this life and the next? No, He did not allow such suffering to continue, Instead Christ totally healed him! Yes, healed him!! My dad was sat there in his right mind, filled with joy and preaching to all the stunned nurses around him. None can explain why, our how, he just went from near death to total abundant life in an instant as if brightly woken out of a deep sleep!

In utter amazement and joy we all wept and laughed and praised God together. Paralysis gone completely, speech fully restored fully, blood sugar, pressure & pulse all normal, breathing perfect and above all his spirit buoyant and rejoicing.. And so were we! Hallelujah!

A miracle had happened, we witnessed it with our own eyes. One nurse said I have only seen something like this one time in seven years! The Neurologist consultant that had early warned me that might dad may not pull through added "This is a real mystery, we are confused, something has happened"..

Be encouraged child of God - Don't quit praying for your loved ones dear friends, who knows what God will do…The full story is posted at

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