Praise God for your life and the life you bring those few sheep in your care, all precious in His sight - Oh the test between the hireling and the true shepherds, not many see what you do there at that prison outreach but Father sees all.
And will reward you. I’m copying in Jo for solution so we can get bike fixed asap so you have no more hassles with the corrupt police road blocks.
Our time here is interesting, A time of further revelation of the Fathers heart "here a little, there a little", but mostly a period of groaning in spirit. Yes we have joy unspeakable, but oh the darkness of the nations, the wicked intent for war,
the ignorance of the believer and there unpreparedness for the coming storm. As I see events unfolding so quickly Val it would appear that the second seal has opened and the red horse has gone forth
And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red:and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another:and there was given unto him a great sword Rev 6v3
If you consider that unlike any previous time in our generation all four major continents have lost their peace, they fear war and are ready to kill - Its not usual for the Americas to lose their peace but they surely have with daily reports of the coming civil war between black & white, Muslim & Christian, Government & the people. Pray for the believers there to be prepared to do the right thing and walk they right way.
Europe has taken a cyanide pill by opening the borders for the so called muslim migrants - Its called “Jihbar" which means Jihad by overwhelming immigration. I'm saddened to read this week that Merkel Germany's leader is threatening war against her neighbour states if they will not take their quota of muslims, yet on the streets of Germany itself people are declaring that a civil war may be necessary to oust her and stop this migrant tide of raping, robbing & rioting that has already begun.
Paris is tragic, but its not what people think and that will shortly be exposed - There is a mind for some of the governments of this age to create war at any cost and will stoop to whatever will achieve their aims. Do not be readily deceived by secular news and their contrived propaganda.
Asia - well you know about that already my dear friend… The Spratly Islands - China airforces & shipping supply bases are growing by the day - Why? We we understand these things, China will rule the Pacific soon.
Russia & the Baltic's - My word, it would appear that America are trying everything to start a fight with them, as they need the control and the resources - What a shock they will get when they learn the hard way that God will no longer fight for their homosexual armies, to the contrary, God will fight against them.. Pray mercy, the Baltic's, apart from the america
proxy war in Ukraine are peaceful nations. Pray for the Christians that remain in the military to be kept safe from harm.
Australasia - Also caught in the grip of the Muslim Tsunami and the Asia coming storm.. This week, muslims protesting that they should not have to assimilate to the host countries values?? What??
Mystery Babylon will fall - The daughter of harlots, which is not so much a geographic / time reference so much as the spirit of the world. Manifest since the time of the tower of babel and through every different empire. Though we read the coming beast will use her, hate her and then devour her because he knows his time is short and he is no longer interested in her veiled seduction through government, religion & socialite - He wants one world everything NOW and will destroy all that hinders that… Get ready for war on the saints and declare that to your people to repent and be ready dear Val, this is your time my friend, don’t hold back..
Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins Is 58v1
Grace and love, Jo will reply about the bike soon
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