Powerful article with astonishing fruit as proof positive.
This article is amazing and readily verifiable as Christ's intended mandate for the building of His church. Consider the fruit this couples lives has produced (1,000,000 souls) then compare it to "church" as we now know it. Which present format of church is far from being effective and far from being scriptural and hardly gets the job done of fulfilling the great commission.
Sunday Morning service is typically little more than a sunday morning circus, 3 fast songs, 3 slow ones, pay your money, get the lecture, closing prayer, good bye - all performance orientated and near zero participation.
Present day "church" is based on the Old Testament high priest and temple format with the pastor beheld with near demi god status. Is it any wonder that multitudes of believers are immature, ineffective and largely ignorant of the Lords expectations and empowerments for our lives?
Excellent Article, even better if we live it..
strategies- Victor Choudhrie
One of the most exciting and largest Christian
movements in the world.
Choudhrie is a cancer surgeon by profession. He is a Senior Fellow of the
American and British Colleges of Surgeons. He left his position as Director and
CEO of the Christian Medical College, Ludhiana, Punjab, India, in 1992, to take
up a full-time Church planting ministry in central India. His wife, Bindu, is
also in a full-time church-planting ministry, equipping women to be
house-church leaders and trainers. They now have disciples making disciples in
some forty countries. Theirs is presently amongst the fastest growing movements
deploying volunteers with no paid workers in the field. Pentecost 2010
they baptized over one million people through the grassroots leaders they have
trained. They have raised up tens of thousands of house church in India and
other countries
Have you
ever wondered why the Christian church is so divided? Have you ever wondered
why man-made traditions are rampant in most churches; whether it's old
denominational traditions or newer Charismatic traditions? What do I mean by
traditions? It's really following the ways of how it's being done in our
lifetime. Some churches follow after what was done during the Reformation.
Others follow the Wesleyan period. Others follow the Roman Catholic traditions
or the Anglo Catholic traditions. Some follow the Presbyterian traditions and
others like to modernize to go with the times. Whether it's a Mega Church or a
small country church, they all follow similar patterns. Church buildings are
structured to accommodate these traditions. Older building (places of worship)
usually have older style church services where newer buildings are usually more
Of course
we have Missionaries and Evangelists that hold crusades and street preachers
who win sinners, but many of their converts are left to themselves and fall
away or end up becoming Sunday morning pew warmers in a church.
Whenever a
new church is established, or a larger facility to accommodate growth, the
people involved hardly ever go back to the source to see what a church really
is. They make comparisons to see what others have done. They go to a reputable
church architect to have a building built that will attract people. Then they
are taken up with building structures, furniture, pews, or comfortable chairs,
lighting, sound, altar or platform, pulpit or podium; organ, piano, or worship
team. Less wealthy congregations will either rent a building, a shop front, or
buy an old empty denominational building before it's turned into a Mosque.
Why all
this emphasis about building churches anyway? The answer is the New Testament. Read
what church really is in God's eyes.
We had
something very much like this back in England in the early seventies, but it
never grew to the size depicted in the following article, although it did
developed into a large network of house churches all over the country, where
God opened the door in many schools and colleges in different towns and large
numbers of students were saved and filled with the spirit and joined the
movement. Our book, "Living in Revival." tells our story. Here is the
article. Twenty one steps to revolutionize our churches.
Steps to transit from being a barren church
to a millionaire of souls
1. Rewrite
the job description of the professional clergy from that of a pulpit orator,
sacrament dispenser and tithe gatherer, to that of a shepherd who feeds his
flock to be healthy and reproducing, by encouraging them to practice the
priesthood of all believers with authority to baptize, break bread and equip
fishers of men. He must model a flat church structure wherein brothers and
sisters submit to one another, pray one for another, serve one another, exhort,
forgive and love each other. - John
13:34-35; Matt.18:21-22; Eph. 5:21
2. Move
from meeting in temples to gathering in 'houses of peace'. 'God does not dwell
in temples made by human hands'; rather He dwells in human hearts. For we are
the mobile walking and talking temples of the living God, with a
maximum of
organism and a minimum of organization. Luke
10:5-9; Matt. 10:11-13; Acts 7:48-49;
2 Cor. 6:16
3. Phase
out programmed Sunday 'services' while implementing informal, small gatherings.
The Bride of Christ must have intimacy with her Lord every day, not only for a
couple of hours a week, lest she become unfaithful. However,
cross-gender disciple-making, lest chemistry foul things up. Acts 2:46-47; Heb. 3:13
4. Replace
Mosaic tithing with Christian sharing, thereby harnessing the enormous,
financial resources, hospitality and goodwill available in Christian homes.
Believe that God is going to work a work among the nations through you, which
will leave you utterly amazed, and also provide resources for it. Deut. 8:17-18; Acts 5:32-34; Hab. 1:5
Dispense with wafer-and-sip Holy Communion and promote breaking of bread with
simple Agape meals (love feasts) from house to house, that believers take with
glad hearts, 'and the Lord added to His numbers daily'. The Lord served roast
lamb, bitter herbs, bread and wine 'in a house' for the Last Supper. Father God
had lunch with Abraham under a tree and discussed Sarah's pregnancy, Sodom's
ruin and Lot's rescue plan. Acts 2:46-47;
1 Cor.11:20-23; Gen Chap 18.
6. Replace
professional music with believers speaking to each other in psalms and
spiritual songs, making melody in their hearts to the Lord. OT worship required
the sacrifice of four-footed beasts; the NT celebrates by offering two-legged
Gentiles as a living sacrifice. The meta-church is a discipling hub and not a
singing club. Eph 5:19; Col 3:16; Rom.
7. Shift
from being a spectator-oriented church to a 'metastasizing', interactive,
participatory, prophetic church. Empower men, women and youth, to get the
dragon off the driver's seat. We, the seed of Abraham are blessed; "with
multiplying I will multiply you and your seed will possess the gates of the
enemy". It is time Abraham's seed got on the driver's seat. 1 Cor.14:26-31; Acts 13:13; 18:4; Gen.
22:17-18; Gal. 3:27-29
8. For a
powerful synergy, metamorphose mega-churches into city, regional and national
networks of 'meta' (beyond) churches. Instead of gathering under one roof, have
them gather under a thousand roofs, just like the mega church at Jerusalem
planted meta-churches across Judea, Samaria, Antioch, Corinth, Rome and beyond
(Gk. meta) that grew in faith and in numbers (both quality and quantity),
daily. Rom. 16:3-15; Acts 1:8; 16:5.
9. Infect
the barren Bride with the multiplication virus. A healthy mature female (Bride)
implies that she is ready to have babies. Rebecca, the Bride of Isaac, was
blessed by her family to have millions of children. The time has come for the
Bride of Christ to stretch her tent to the left and to the right, to the north
and to the south, to produce millions of meta-churches, and fill the earth. Gen. 24:60; Isa. 54:1-5; Acts 1:8
10. Know
your identity in Christ: You are a royal-priest, made so by the blood of the Lamb.
Dismantle the 'Reverend' culture that divides clergy from layman. Like
Melchizedek, the royal-priest of Salem (City of Peace), who served bread and
wine, took a tithe and blessed Abraham, bring godly governance to your city.
Catch the vision of cloning royal-priests for every city, and run with it. 1 Pet.2:9; Rev.5:10; Hab.2:1-3; Isa. 9:6-7;
Gen. 14:18
Challenge purposeless churches to enunciate a clear vision and to lay out a
road map to translate that vision into action plans to 'do greater things than
these'. Armed with maps, stats and the Great Commission go two by two and teach
the divine arithmetic of planting just one multiplying church every month. In
ten short months, even the least shall plant a thousand meta-churches. John 14:12; Acts 16:5; Luke 10:1-2; Isa.
12. Unglue
from their pews all those Christians who sit, soak and stagnate, and send them
to heal the sick, raise the dead, tread on snakes and scorpions (expel demons),
bind the 'strongman', plunder his possessions, and demolish the gates of Hell.
Doggedly pursue demon demolition drive until 'the kingdoms of this world have
become the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ.' Matt.11:12; 12:29; 16:18-19; Mark 16:17-18; Luke 10:19; Rev.11:15.
Resurrect from being a dead organization to a living organism. Replace all
extra-biblical, cosmetic titles like Director, Chairman, CEO, and Secretary by
appointing fivefold ministry- gifted Elders, like apostles, prophets,
evangelists, shepherds and teachers, as equippers. Healthy feeding and leading
will keep the flock thriving and fertile and build bridges with the 'other
sheep which are not of this fold'.
Eph.4:11; Tit. 1:5-9; John 10:16.
Empower every Sunday school, Bible school, prayer cell, women's fellowship, and
cottage meeting, by calling them full-fledged, authentic churches. They must
make disciples who baptize, break bread, equip laborers and send missionaries,
and, like the school of Tyrannus, change the spiritual demography. 1 Cor. 16:19; Col. 4:15; Acts 19:8-12
15. Filter
out non-performing goats who come only for hatching (baby baptisms), matching
(weddings) and dispatching (funerals), and replace them with sheep who take
care of the hungry, thirsty, naked, strangers, sick and prisoners. Culling the
non-productive sheep is an integral part of the 'best practices' of sheep
rearing. God chose David to shepherd Israel because he took care of "the
ewes great with young". Matt.
25:31-46; Ps. 78:70-72
Simplify disciple making. Get a Bible and invite a couple of truth-seekers for
a meal where the main dish is - The Lamb. Redefine authentic church as wherever
two or three friends meet to eat, to gossip the gospel, and to multiply.
Meta-church is the most cost effective strategy for city penetration and
reaching the ends of the earth. Acts
Replace seminary training with sharing the whole wisdom of God from house to
house. Sound doctrine is the ability to convince those who oppose. The lost of
this world do not need scholars as much as they need spiritual
and mothers who bring many spiritual sons and daughters to glory. Acts 20:20, 27; Tit. 1:9; 1 Cor. 4:15; 2
Tim. 2:2; Heb 2:10.
Reorient your personal paradigm. Your business, workplace or home, wherever you
spend most of your time, is your 'primary nuclear church'. It matters little
whether you are the CEO, or the janitor or the kitchen queen; you are a
full-time minister there and accountable. Adam and Eve were accountable for the
Garden of Eden, and they failed.
Recognize 'Hi, there,' 'Hello,' handshaking, Sunday church as your 'secondary,
optional church'. A church that does not send you out to 'raise your holy hands
to pray everywhere ' and equip you to make Christ 'high and lifted up' in your
home, workplace and neighborhood is not worth going to. 1 Tim. 2:8; Isa. 6:1
20. Re-set
your priorities to preach Christ where He has not been named. For this you do
not have to go to church from Sunday to Sunday nor work from paycheck to
paycheck. You are "ordained" to be fruitful, to multiply, and to fill
your home, workplace, neighborhood and the city with the knowledge of the glory
of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Matt.
6:33; Rom. 15:20; John 15:16; Gen. 1:28; Hab. 2:14
21. Adopt
a 'completion mindset'. Evaluate your ministry by the Great Commission as its
mandate, and for benchmarks the numbers of disciples made, baptized, equipped
and sent out. Aim to become a millionaire of souls. Why not? After all, you
believe in a great, awesome God for whom nothing is impossible. At the very
least, like Peter, shoot for 3000 baptisms by every Pentecost. Or like Paul,
plant a multiplying church every day, till you can claim that there are no more
places left here for you to 'fully preach the gospel', not just with words,
'but with signs and mighty deeds'. Acts
16:5; Rom. 15:19, 23. Shalom and Shalom again.
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