Mission to the Hidden Village - Video

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One day, whilst high up the mountain, we walked to an area where we learnt that a new gold mine had attracted a lot of people hunting their fortune and willing to risk life and limb to find it.

Whilst meeting and sharing Christ with numerous groups of miners along the way, all of them living under tarpaulins in the most basic of conditions. We met a young lady that was there visiting her partner a miner. There was a word of discernment and prophecy for her and she wept as the Father revealed His heart of love and mercy if she would repent and seek His face.

She told us that the people in her home place had heard that our missionary team were visiting so many Puroks (small communities) on the mountain and they wondered why we had never yet come to theirs.

Well, after that we tried many times to go to her place but could only ever find the approximate area of the mountain where they were. Eventually, one of our team that lives in this vast and sprawling mountain community found out exactly how we could reach the place. In meant scrambling through a long, low, dark wet tunnel and then more scrambling up a mountain side.

One of our new team members suffered claustrophobia and wasn't too excited about the prospect of visiting this venue. That morning before we left Jo prayed with her and rebuked fear of confined spaces. Did the prayer work? She was the one who led the way through the small close cavern without a single squeal of fear but only a jubilant shout of victory once she existed the other side.

On reaching the village we were warmly welcomed, the gospel was shared, everyone present responded to the invitation to repent and turn their lives over to the Lordship of Christ. Many were prayed with for healing including one man that was experiencing acute stomach pain and had already decided to visit the valley that day to seek medical help. Jesus healed them all and confirmed again His love and power to lost humanity.

They have requested regular meetings so by Gods grace we will be back through that tunnel soon establishing these new saints in the grace of God.


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