Trying to get Vennie across the landslide - This was the easy bit

Last week we rescaled a high and muddy mountain to revisit two small communities we had preached at a month or so ago. There was virtually community wide acceptance and repentance and Christ confirmed His great love for them with many miracles.


The journey began interestingly since it was brought to the light on the first visit that Vennie, a faithful servant on this team was terrified of heights and this was made painfully clear as we traversed narrow, slippery, muddy tracks, dangerously, inadequate two plank bridges, then worse when the track was so thin we could only traverse that small section sideways, facing the hill and scrambling along it using our hands. Team members either side of Vennie had to hold her hands and gently coax her step by step.

On return to base we all gave thanks for the mighty works the Lord had done and His protection and faithful supply & favour, then we prayed with Vennie at her request and commanded a spirit of “Fear of Heights” to leave her, encouraging her to have faith that it was a trespasser and would surely go. Vennie testified clearly that something had lifted off her during our prayer for her and she really felt free from that fear.

 2 Years ago the mountain just fell away on account of the honeycomb of gold mining tunnels below.
Many homes disappeared and people died and their bodies remain buried under the rubble at the foot of this hill still today
Praise the Lord! That was an understatement. I was behind her on this ascent, unfortunately with a flat camera battery as it would have been a very encouraging visual testimony for anyone who saw the first photographs and video to compare with what happened the second time after prayer and deliverance.

The team ad got split  up on the mountain side and Vennie & I managed to stay together – Kind of. She took off like a rocket, literally skipped over the bridge, bounded across the narrow tracks. I could hardly keep up with her. She kept declaring “Something amazing George something amazing, I’m not even trembling – Praise to God, I’m really delivered”. Her steps were like those of a mountain goat.  I was laughing as I tried to keep up.
Yoli sharing the gospel at the top of the mountain

When we reached the first community they were delighted to see us with so many testimonies of the difference since they gave their lives over to Christ. One said “We all have so much peace of mind now”. Several gave testimony to the healing they had received.
Along the way we have seen countless hundreds delivered from all manner of fears and phobias in Jesus Christ's name i.e.. Dogs, spiders, heights, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, general fears, flying etc etc 
Be encouraged that whatever your fear in must and will leave in Jesus Name when addressed with simple faith. Feel free to email any questions you may have about that.
Jo & Team descending the hill - About two thirds down already

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