Absolute Surrender & Church Planting

Centre Grey Building is where we stay
Church Plant Meeting

They request that we can have a fellowship meeting with the new converts instead of an outreach. Can hardly remember the last time we saw people so excited about church. About 30 gathered, we sang some songs, shared some testimonies and taught some bible fit for new converts to understand. This is one of 6 or 7 church plants we could begin in this place right now. All born out of Great grace, many salvations & miracles but shortage of labourers because of shortage of sponsors..

Jean & Daniel our above and beyond hosts and decorated the store we bunked down in to quite a beautiful, though windowless room, with curtains on all walls and covering on the floor. We were moved at their love for us. How would you like 6-8 strangers showing up at your home for a week at a time twice a month?


Absolute Surrender


At our early Morning Prayer time the host of the house joined us. A woman truly called and equipped by God but to date a little frightened to help out with the rapid growth here. Our primary challenge is for faithful labourers as there are now thousands that have made decisions for Jesus up this mountain and no one to shepherd them apart from our twice monthly visits. Understandably she is concerned about the commitment and of overseeing things when the rest of the team is away.

But to us we clearly see that the Lord has provided just the person for the job. She is a woman of great grace, wisdom and gentle authority. But as peter wrote let no man take over the oversight of the flock by constraint but joyfully.


Perhaps you can imagine our surprise when usually she is quite quiet in the prayer times but this morning she burst out with loud voice, tears and a heart full of passion, weeping before the Lord, “Yes Lord, Yes Lord, whatever you want I will do it in this place. I surrender everything to you now”.
We Preach In Dark Streets Among Dark people

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