Miracles in the Dark 3/5

Vennie preaching with great power in a forest village
Many came to Christ and He healed them

Miracles In The Dark        (3 of 5)                                                                                     21st March 2013

We ended the outreach at the Muslim school and raced to another village only about fifteen minutes away. We drove right into the centre square of a beautiful rural forest community situated among tall coconut trees and green rice fields. We drove through a gap in the house and pulled up in a large grass area behind them onto a makeshift basketball pad. It was surrounded on four sides by single story concrete& palm leaf homes which for the most part seemed to double as small stores selling all manner of homemade foodstuffs and small hardware. Perhaps a hundred or so people were milling around as we arrived, intrigued to see a strange white four wheel drive in their place, even more surprised when two whites, Jo & I are among the six people that exited. That alone usually draws a crowd especially when it’s potential kidnapping country. However, high up on the hill directly beside where we parked was a newly installed military observation point, close enough for the soldiers to hear everything we played and preached.

Since have no musicians or song team we can set up fast. In under a minute I have our small 200watt battery operated sound system blaring out music I feel appropriate for the location whilst Jun sets up our LED flood lights. We can recommend LED floods as mini wonders with maximum cool light and very low battery demand. It amazes the electrically bereft crowds we preach too since many of these venues have no power in their place, yet we have so much sound and light without a big noisy generator they are surprised.

 As darkness draws in I draw large laser circles in the night sky with a powerful laser pen with a one kilometre beam. Boy’s toy I know, but, it has proven its worth time and again as crowd puller and a disruptive child exhauster as it only takes on average ten minutes to exhaust the noisiest crowd as they chase the beam around full vigour until they about collapse.

“As if fire streamed from her mouth”

Vennie was first to preach and we have never heard her preach like it. It’s as if fire streams from her mouth and the crowd, now grown in number, express their enthusiasm with clapping and cheering! Remember this is not a Christian community and we do not preach to tickle ears but to present man’s disgrace and Gods grace! You can hear the low rumble of many voices in the dark beyond the glare of our flood lights as it seems an entire village repent of sin and ask Jesus into their hearts.

 Jun finishes off with a testimony of the healings we have seen at the two previous venues early that day and invites those who’d like prayer to come and form three lines out front. Crowds rush out of the darkness across the basketball court and around thirty per line are soon stood patiently waiting their turn. These dear people have poor nutrition so poor health and no money to pay for medicine. Not that we have found medicine to work so well amongst the thousands of sick people we encounter every month.  Its seems they pay so much money every week for years and yet the condition is never much relieved if at all. Makes you wonder how they would be if they didn’t take the medicine? However, we see Jesus perform in a moment what the medical and pharmaceutical world has not been able to achieve at all. Praise God.

“Its gone mama – No more”!

There were many to pray with and only a few of us praying so no photographs but still some amazing testimonies. One small boy had developed a disease in his groin area and everything was painfully swollen. His mother explained the slightest touch would cause him to squeal in distress – I prayed in Jesus name rebuking infection and inflammation. The boy smilingly looked up at his mother and simply said “It’s just gone mama-no more”. “No more” here that means “It is no more – It’s gone”. In a few seconds, the swelling, infection and pain all disappeared. Several reporting ulcers gone, urinary tract disease, many reported lost movement restored following injuries.  

The deaf woman answered the faintest whisper

A deaf woman approached us in the healing line and indicated that her problem was that she could not hear. We prayed a short and simple prayer and she jerked her head back to look at us and began talking straightaway, the brother with me interpreted “she is saying she can hear everything”. Sometimes people tell us they are healed and personally I’m not always convinced they are so we check them. When I asked the AOG pastor with me to check if we are to pray again he tested her by whispering to her side so that she could not read his lips. She repeated everything he said word for word. Second deaf person to be healed that day in Jesus name.

Blind eye opened and blind eye closed again

Jun experienced an interesting case when a young man blind in one eye following an accident that pierced and blinded the eye as a boy. With shock and surprise the man testified “I can see, I can see”. He grabbed Jun and hugged him “Thank you Thank you” he cried – Then he followed that with “It’s gone again, it’s gone again” and he became distressed. “What happened”? Jun asked me. I replied that I recalled hearing a testimony of when Isobel White from Scotland prayed with four women with goitres, in every case the goitres all immediately disappeared, but for one lady, it also immediately returned again as large as ever. Isobel heard he Holy Spirit tell her to rebuke unbelief in the woman which she did, encouraging her to have faith again. The woman, re employed her faith and those with Isobel watched as the goitre disappeared again this time permanently.  

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