The Power of Discernment - 10 Examples over 3 days

 10 Amazing & Life changing Examples from just the past few days alone
To discern, to perceive, to be aware of the actual “spirit/root” influencing, inspiring, a given action, word, deed or atmosphere. To establish  origin, motive and intention behind a situation or event.
1 Cor 12v 7  But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
8  For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;9  To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
10  To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:11  But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

Nov 1975 Christ appeared to me, I saw Him and He spoke my name and told me many things, He exposed my sins there below his nail pierced feet and it shattered my hard cold heart. I cannot praise and thank Him enough for that night and the amazing grace He has poured on my faltering steps ever since.

From the countless life altering outcomes of that night, one in particular that continues to have a life changing affect,  not only in my walk but in the life of countless others also, is the outworking of the Gift of Discerning of spirits. I received that at that time that I saw Christ. I knew absolutely nothing about such a gift or even that such powerful spiritual weapon existed.  I initially thought my spiritual ability to "see / discern" was a standard feature that came with the grace of being saved.  As its often quoted from Joh Newtons Hymn "I once was blind but now I see".

It used to astonish me that not everyone could see what I saw or arrive at what to me was obvious conclusion in a given situation. To this day it’s of pleasant surprise if I declare discernment and someone else present with like gift begins to contribute and expand on it on what's been said & declared.  Despite having being vindicated by a proof positive as to discernment from the Spirit many times I can’t recall an occasion of anyone coming back to say “By the way what you said was right after all”.

No matter, such acknowledgment is no longer expected or required. Several decades and now countless occasions later, I can smile as I’m reminded of many incidence when I would be so shocked as regards a particular discernment or word of knowledge, even to the point of disagreeing with the Precious Holy Spirit thats whispered the disclosure to me. I would, and sometimes still do argue within my self, that such a thing could not possibly be true only for it to be clearly exposed and confirmed later as correct and me as wrong.

I have of course repented for doubt and unbelief. But have come to realise also that things are not always as they seem outwardly; in fact things are hardly as they seem outwardly. I have learnt that discerning of spirits is indeed a gift and therefore most people will not know what you see, know, and understand to be fact and so it is therefore not unusual to be misunderstood as your comments, actions or reactions are based on a dimension that most are ignorant of.  What you see and know to be true and not what those around you understand or prefer to be true is the basis of much misunderstanding, confusion and dispute.. Thats why I often say that "Discernment" is the least appreciated of the gifts. Because, unless it is uplifting, wonderful, promoting, it can be despised when the gift is exposing things hidden.

The gift of discernment is not to be confused with the increasing discernment of those that progress in their Christian experience from milk to strong meat as stated by the writer to the Hebrews.

Heb 5v 12  For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
13  For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
14  But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

For confidentiality sake I’m not going to mention names

Three Days in Discernment – A Typical Snapshot of one of Gods Great Gifts to Us in Action

Heb 4:12  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

Example 1 “You have rebellion in your heart and the Lord is cautioning you”

A few evenings ago we had been asked to attend a family weekly bible study, which we did. Maybe 15 or so attended. At the close we prayed for several and there was opportunity to minister in the gifts of the Holy Spirit as He leads. One of the people I had discernment of was a young lady. I cautioned her that she had rebellion in her heart, was dishonouring her parents, had opened her heart to sin through Facebook & texting and that if she did not repent quickly it would not go well with her as her rebellion was actually against the Lord and not only her parents and that my speaking to her publicly was an advanced warning from the Lord since she had readily ignored His prompts up until that time.

Her expression, as per usual was one of shock and disbelief. Then the tears and one of the young ladies in our team counselled and prayed with her. We received report back from the elder sister two days ago. The difference in behaviour and attitude is magnificent. The mother feels she has her loving daughter back. Numerous deleting off the phone took place that night. Jesus is Lord again in the young ladies heart as a result of discerning of spirits.

EXAMPLE 2 “With Head Bowed, Tears Falling From His Face”

 Three days ago a missionary sister came to visit at our home. On leaving she explained that she had  a family member lived nearby and she would go there for a while. As it was close and we were enjoying the fellowship I and another team member said we would like to walk the short distance with her. On route we passed a house that she explained a friend lived there and she would like to ask her to join her for the family visit. So a young woman duly came out the house and walked with us. Before I saw her face I heard the whisper of the Holy Spirit about her. She remained in conversation with her friend for the rest of the short journey. Other than “Hi” we did not speak with each other further.

Soon, we reached the family members home and a young man in his early mid twenties I guess opened the door. He was thick set, shaved head, small under chin beard – Actually looked like a door man at a night club. We were invited in to say hello and then we would leave. Within minutes of the “hello” I knew this man had a Christian background from the family member but that was all, I asked directly if he would like me to share what the Lord had told me about him? With a slight glance of disbelief he half nodded so I began to share the words and sentences as the Holy Spirit streamed them to me. Soon with head bowed, tears falling from his face and his large shoulders convulsed as he wept, the man acknowledged the words as true and shared his discouragement in his Christian experience. But, the Lord Jesus in His abundant grace and mercy had lifted the man’s heart to follow Him again. We agreed to stay in touch and encourage each other to draw closer to the Lord.

As expected a large man suddenly and unexpectedly weeping kind of catches the attention of the others present in the room and is a conversation stopper to say the least.

EXAMPLE 3 “look of shocked disbelief”

Next I asked the young woman who joined us if I could share with her what the Lord had revealed to me about her life?

The Holy Spirit is so gracious in that he often does not direct me to expose the sin I have seen but rather declare the cure. The listener will usually make the immediate mental leap as to what exactly is been alluded to and the brokenness begins at the revelation of His mercy and not His judgement as they expected. Often I am direct by Him to totally avoid the explicit mention of the sin that is in the life rather He reminds them of His love for them, His calling on their lives – Indeed a soft answer breaks the bones.

Another look of shocked disbelief and soon the loud wailing began. We left her friend to comfort her and headed back the short walk to our house. A brother than accompanied us said, you do not know it but that lady was a missionary to Muslims, got discouraged and things happened in their life and marriage than should not of. Many people have spoken to her about a fresh surrender to Christ but until today nothing. He was equally surprised at her outburst and tears. We are not since by Gods grace we experience such several times a week if not several times a day.

EXAMPLE 4 “how do you know all that about me”

That night we had an appointment at a local celebrity’s home. While waiting the body guard stood and spoke to us for a while. I asked him the usual question “would he like me to share what the lord had showed me about his life?” Within about 30 seconds of speaking to him he jumped back, visibly stunned, saying “how do you know all that about me”. I spoke gently and said there’s more let me share it with you. Within a few minutes he was telling me that he wanted to give his life to Jesus as he knew that was the best thing.

EXAMPLE 5 “staring in a stunned or surprised silence”

The following night, I was invited to speak at a missionary sending group. Wonderful people dedicated to equipping and sending people to far and often dangerous places. There were nine if I remember and at the end of encouraging and reminding them all that Christ “looks for and expects fervent love” I began to speak to all nine individuals directly as to what I discerned about their lives and what was revealed to me. Soon and as expected people are staring in a stunned or surprised silence as deep things, hidden things, hopes and dreams often long buried and given up as youthful wishful thinking and revived in an instant and brought to light and life through His great love and tender words.

EXAMPLE 6 “Interpreting Dreams”

The following day, Saturday past, we were invited to a beach birthday party. Typically I’m not given to leisurely pursuits. Without wishing to sound overly spiritual, for me, the times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord Acts 3:19, and it is a loss of spiritual altitude to exchange that for any worldly pleasure irrespective of how innocent it is. I have found the secret place of the most high and labour to stay there Ps 91:1, In His presence there is fullness of joy. At thy right hand there are pleasures for ever more Ps 16:11.

But, I felt clearly in my spirit that we should attend. Am so glad I went with that leading. The lady whose birthday it was confirmed the accuracy of a word I’d spoken to her a week or so previous and the positive impact it was having on her life now.

She then told me that over a period of time she had had three very vivid and uniquely different dreams. She knew they were from the Lord but did not know what they meant. As she relayed each dream I knew the exact interpretation in detail before she got to the end. All three dreams were a part of the same message.

Now, it was my turn to be stunned and amazed, I could barely restrain from weeping. I had only met this quiet unassuming lady on two brief occasions, other than my passing on a discernment and a prophetic word to her, we really knew nothing about each other, but here she was at the beach, affirming to me in great detail the consistent basis of most of the prophetic teaching we give in this place regarding what the Spirit is saying to the Churches “Awake Awake, the time is far spent and the night cometh when no man can work! A sword cometh, a judgement cometh and the enemy has seduced the church into a false peace and rendered them inactive”.

Here, as in most places there is great spiritual ignorance and therefore danger. For him that has eyes to see the plan of the Lord and deception of the devil are both obvious – Tragically, those that love the title of being “leaders” in the body of Christ are for the most part clueless, yet here is a young woman, stood at the beach, telling me in great prophetic detail the plan of the enemy as exposed by the Lord. More about this another time.

EXAMPLE 7 “Yes, The Lord is very aware of your situation”

When we arrived, a minivan passed right by me carrying more guests for the party (Christian party), I glimpsed a woman on that vehicle and received an instant discernment. I knew the Lord would arrange a meeting later. I noticed soon after Jo, my wife and this woman in deep conversation, later still when as I was sitting next to Jo, I said “Honey, please do not say one thing about that lady”! Jo already knows exactly what I mean by that.

After a while the lady sat next to me and I asked the usual question “May I share with you what the Lord shows me”. Soon tears began to run down her face as the Lord affirmed that “Yes”, He was very aware of her situation, and yes, He was in control, and Yes He had a pain management for the circumstances she found herself in and that was Himself, only draw close to me and I’ll heal your bruised heart. She looked questionably, over at Jo, sat on the other side of me, I explained “I have no idea what you and my wife spoke about; she has deliberately said nothing to me”. He gives more hope again. She acknowledged the words as true.

EXAMPLE 8 “She immediately clapped her hands to her face in sudden grief, wailing,”

Our next meeting was a student gathering later that afternoon. We had been invited to minister at students outreach a couple of weeks ago and this was the students that wanted to continue in fellowship. The fields are so white here as I think 14 students showed up all eager to continue with regular Saturday afternoon meetings. At close, two more expressed a desire to give their lives to Christ and two young ladies wished to discuss the things of God and how they were leaders and all the exciting things the Lord was doing in their young ministries.

I asked the usual question “would they like to know what I had discerned in their lives” Yes Yes brother George; I leaned forward and whispered just five words in the ear of the young lady closest to me. She immediately clapped her hands to her face in sudden grief, wailing, then lurched forward in her seat holding her stomach as if punched, this sudden rocking back and forth accompanied with face covering and shocked wailing noises continued for a while, during which I spoke with the other young woman who’s heart preparation before the Lord was very much different. She was far more surrendered. She smiled and nodded warmly at the comfort of the words spoken to her, despite the noisy animations of her friend there beside her. The Lord affirmed this lady that He knew her love for Him, I also was impressed to share some future events that would shortly occur in her life and that she could be at peace and know it was the Lord. She has since sent the warmest text of appreciation. Strangely, no texts from her rocking wailing friend yet.

EXAMPLE 9 “staring, eyes wide, jaw agape and about in stark disbelief”

Whilst writing “example 6” I received a text from a new missionary friend we met about two weeks ago at an “End Times” meeting. The gathering was hosted by Manny Paqiou that he had arranged at one of his gyms here. In his normal generous style he had arranged for the 300 or so attendees to receive free McDonalds at close of meeting.  Since some in our group had to leave soonest we passed on the free stuff. However, thirty minutes later found most of our group in McDonalds despite the health warnings. Our new missionary friend along with another missionary was among that group.

The order was delayed but whilst we waited for the order to be delivered to the table, I introduced Jo & myself to two sisters and as usual asked if they would like me to share what discernment the Lord had shown me about their lives. I prefer to do this as early as possible when meeting someone, often whilst we are shaking hands.

The purpose being that the person I’m addressing can be further assured that what I’m telling them has been received in an instant from the Holy Ghost, impossible to fabricate and not the result of information cleverly acquired. That can be mere human perception and shrewd manipulation. In fact, anything a person may reveal about themselves prior to my giving them a discernment will have little influence over the original impression received from the Holy Spirit. Sometimes their words will confirm what you already know to be the truth and sometimes their further words will expose them as liars to who they actually are.

So, in this case we are just over the hand shaking niceties, the burgers & fries still not delivered to the table and they are looking at me strangely, probably never having been asked that question before and possibly never considering that God in heaven would even reveal something personal about another’s life to an unknown third party.  Well God does, and He did and right now in McDonalds was such an occasion.

Within a few sentences, the dear lady opposite me is staring, eyes wide, jaw agape and about in stark disbelief. Just a few sentences more and the reality of Christ’s eternal awareness over the deep issues of her soul are revealed in such caring and comforting words well beyond my personal ability to perceive or declare. Clearly she is now oblivious to the fact that she is sat in a mobbed McDonalds restaurant as tears begin to flow in torrents, she reaches over the table, grips my hand ever so tightly, lowers her head to rest on the table, then, wailing, her body racked with sobs she begins to say “thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus”. She was tormented by a fear that Christ was either ignorant of her situation or knowledgeable but indifferent. Discernment, with words of knowledge and the prophetic word, calmed her fears, assured her troubled soul and returned the joy of her salvation. Within minutes you would not have known this was the same woman. Bright, cheerful, optimistic. Next day, she attended a teaching I gave to some missionaries, she looked so different, younger that I did not immediately recognise her as the same person.

EXAMPLE 10 “Stronghold shattered by the word of discernment”

For some time I have observed that one of our own team would display a slightly out of character reaction in some social situations. I’ve watched this for a while and waited prayerfully for the right time and liberty in the spirit to speak. That time came yesterday morning at breakfast. As usual, deep inner fountains are broke up and convulsing sobs wrack the body after just a few words of eternal and illuminating significance, dark and hidden strongholds are exposed, torn down and the prison door is opened. It is virtually a daily delight for us to see, again and again Heaven destroy Satan’s soul binding strategies over people’s lives with just a few words.

We are frequently blessed in that we often get to meet again people we have spoken words of discernment to during our travels. The above examples except for Example 8 have occurred in just the last few days. So, imagine our delight to see fruit that not only remains but is growing and is often now producing its own fruit.

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