New Converts & Miracles


General Santos City, Mindanao, Philippines - As of this week handed over to the Muslim minority by the Philippine government to come under self rule. The future will be interesting. However, we are honored to lead an outreach team there of around 15 who in our absence to the UK been led into spiritual battle by Vennie, who the team respectfully calls Aunty Vennie. Also, Jun usually referred to as Kuya Jun, meaning older respected brother. What follows is a snapshot of an average week in their lives covering just some of their outreaches to mountain villages, the city of General Santos and some of the hospitals there.

Many of this team have come to Christ during our outreaches to their villages, whereby they follow us back at our invitation to our training centre. We provide free accommodation & provision. Most of them coming without a toothbrush, towel, a change of clothes or even a pair of shoes, the shorts, tore t-shirt and flip flops they are standing in is all they own. Some of them were not even saved when they first come, but heard the gospel in our morning classes and from the other team members, quickly repented, got delivered from demons, filled with the Holy Spirit. From there we have morning scripture class and prayer without ceasing where they soon learn that full surrender to Christ is not a option rather Christ’s clear command for their life in exchange for His life and salvation. In a matter of weeks they become equipped to share the gospel and pray for the sick as a confirmation of Christ’s word.

Frankly, they precious ones are so easy to mentor as there is little to nothing by way of social stronghold to first break down. They have nothing, they have generationally been taught to expect and aspire to nothing, suffering and hardship is a way of life and where they live is so tough already to go preach for them is actually life as they know it or usually better  than life as they know it.

 For Jo & I it is an unspeakable joy and testament to Gods goodness that these young ones, believers of just a few weeks can be out preaching in city, forest or mountain top community with great power and the Lord follows the word with signs and wonders following, as you will read by the testimonies below. My word, that is so much easier than the years of gentle counseling, lightly persuading against some of the western strongholds we have to get over just to get someone to surrender the very basics of their live to Christ’s kingdom. In the west you cannot easily offend or intrude, cant interrupt secular plans and dreams too much, here there is no iPhone, Facebook, YouTube or MTV to give up – Hallelujah!

January 10, 2014 the Lord leads us To Uhaw public market where there is an opportunity for us to preach the gospel inside the jeepney, quinine start followed by Naomi, Arnel and Jayson. After we spoke, not knowing what was really on their hearts because some of the passengers bow their heads during our prayer for closing.
 We go from different places and we roam around the market looking for souls to preach the Word of God about repentance.  After that, during our arrival going back to our Training center again, another opportunity inside the Jeepney where there are a lot of students on their way home heard the word of God and after they hear there is really changes as I observe because most of them are doing worldly things.
 Imagine in about 30 below inside the jeepney that some are noisy before but when Naomi started to preach followed by Quinnie, there we witness that students were repented and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and they were amazed. After that most of them has been stop laughing and doing worldly things.

 Last January 11, 2014 we were led by God going to the mountain, on one of our team’s home place. Early in the morning about 4am we arrived, and while we were on the car we look around saw only a few people going about, but when we went out of the Car we invite people door to door to come and see because we gather them. When we start to preach people slowly come and listen they were already Christians but after we spoke we saw people repented and cried out and come to Jesus. A lot of miracles, healing and Great revival happened. Everyone who receives miracles and healing testify in front of many people that time.
Narry is 24 yrs old, climbed coconut trees for a living and surrendered his life to Christ just mid 2013
Old man was blind for many years but in the Name of Jesus he become healed and receives sight on his both eyes.
Naomi is just 18yrs of age, We first met a year ago and her mum pointed out that she wanted to be a missionary though she had no idea how or what that involved. She was painfully shy, wouldn’t, and couldn’t say a word. But, since being filled with the Holy Spirit, devils watch out as she will preach with power and fire and then pray in the name of Yeshua and many will receive miracles from the Lord’s good hand.
 Also, another blind old woman told me she could see only a shadow of man. But, now she can see but in the name of Jesus she receives a sight on her both eyes.
 A 12 years old girl was suffering on her tonsil with lump on her neck; while praying the lump was slowly gone then her mother testifies that her daughter is healed.
A woman comes to pray for her UTI and she has pain, and after prayer her pain was definitely gone.

Arnel and Jayson’s TESTIMONY
Arnel & Jason have just turned 16 both new believers and are coconut tree climbers
A paralyzed woman was been suffering for how many years, she can’t even moved her fingers and her body was pain. Because of her faith, she becomes healed.
Jayson’s Testimony
 A 6 years old boy has head ache for the Glory of God he become well.

Quinnie is 19yrs old. When we first met her around a year ago she was a full on transgender – She looked like a man, and was quite aggressive with it. But she raised her hand after the preaching to repent, and then crashed to the concrete floor when I lightly touched her head and said “receive the Holy Spirit”. Quinnie lay there for an hour speaking in tongues, then got up and immediately went to buy a dress testify she was a girl not a boy and wanted to appear only as the Lord had made her. The difference in this young lady and her love for the Lord is simply astounding testament to Gods power to totally change a life.
 A more than fifty years old woman was suffering on her cold cough since the beginning of the year, and she has a body pain but after the prayer of Quinnie, the old woman has completely healed.
Most important there is that people of Kyumad, tribe of B’laan have been truly repenting their sins to God with all their heart and we saw the tears on their eyes. Through faith in God different miracles and Healing they receive from God.

 The team went to the mountain last january22, 2014 in the tribe of “Kaulo” then we begun to preach house to house. We divide our groups into two or three and then we scattered. Many have been so blessed when they hear the word of God about salvation and repentance until we reach the grade school campus there giving us opportunity to preach the gospel to the grades 4,5,6, and 7 rooms. All students have come to Jesus they all repented cried to him and after that we ask them to write on the paper their prayer requests one by one. To God be the Glory!

 Around in our training center we often Go and preach the gospel at park, at terminal, at market places, outside the school campus, high ways and by ways on where the Lord our God leads us but of course there’s always spiritual battle. A different religious group trying to debate us and most of them are cults like Iglesia Ni Cristo, Jehovah’s Witness, and Catholic’s. We’re trying reaching them to Christ and we have faith that they will be save from their wrong beliefs… we also often do the prayer walk around in our training center on the street at 5o’clock dawn prostitutes we encountered heard the word of God.  One time we preached the Word of God in front of Video K bar (A bad bad bar) that was noon day and that was our target when we are having the prayer walk around General Santos City.

 January of twenty third, 2014 the team went there but the people in that place is hard to reach.  On the motor cycle terminal we were one all together before we scattered into two or three each group.  Nary, Arnel and Jayson stand before them even though most of them are so busy in each work but not knowing within their hearts if they truly repent to God because some of them bowed their heads in prayer.

 After that, we scattered in each group go reaching them through door to door in preaching the word of God but in our group of aunty Vinnie, Naomi and Nechelle some welcomed us but a man who welcomed us aren’t listening He was very busy on his work while watching T.V. but I continually spoke to him what God’s message for him.

 In Nechelle’s situation, a woman she encountered when I have finished shared to the other house I saw that woman has a good spirit and a humble heart there she accepted Jesus Christ.  After that, another house rejected us to come inside of their house because they are busy as the woman said on us so, we didn’t force her.

On the other street there are two stores Nechelle preach to them, on her estimate, four people was on the store and Naomi preach on the other store with four woman hear the word of God there was a paralyzed woman we have been prayed for healing but nothing happened and she told us at last she’s Seventh day Adventist a group of Cult.
(Nechelle is one of the fruit from one of the 10 outreaches we had up the goddess of evil mountain. Not yet a believer for a year yet Nechelle is mighty in preaching, praying & teaching. The wisdom from this 18yr old is like that of a seasoned middle aged believer.)

Then we stopped for maybe 30 minutes for a snack, Gino share to the three vendors’ who served us and then we continued two of our team reported to us that there’s a high school campus on that place so we went there and while we’re on the outside we saw one of the staff and grabbed the opportunity to ask if we can preached to the students.

 He told us to ask the principal so the security guard there allowed us to enter in. Aunty Vinnie, after talking to the principal told us that we can preach for 45 minutes so we scattered and every soul’s that we met, we preached. The good thing is the ears of every student are willing to listen. That when they saw us preaching the word of God we didn’t have to invite them, they themselves, just move closer and listened to the message. There was a lot of repentance happened to that school. When their bell rang, the student left and came in to their respective classrooms carrying the words in their hearts and still speaking to them. Honor and Glory belongs to the Lord alone... AMEN!

 On the way to Diagan’s we were still ready searching for souls byways and there we preached and many accepted Christ and repentance did happened.
When we were there not wasting time by just standing, our team was convicted to speak on many patients at the Hospital. The confidence and the leading of the Holy Spirit was there, and the moment that we've entered to that building we prayed, talking to God alone and then we scattered and find for souls to be brought to Christ for His glorification alone. Below are the testimonies of what had happened.

(Aunty Naomi & Aunty Vennie's testimony)

We're in the room with two patients lying on the bed with their families/guardians, and the person that first caught up our eyes was the mother of a 2(two) years old child lying on the bed. We came closer to her and we found out that her child was suffering from “Asthma”. We talked to her (mother  of the child) and we shared to her about the Gospel. And as we shared, the Spirit of the Lord ministered to her and repentance, acceptance of Christ did happened. After this, we offered her a prayer for her child to be healed so we prayed and her husband was there. Again, after the prayer, the child began to excrete sweat then we left. A few minutes later, we turned back asking the condition of the child and the parents were very thankful for the prayer. The child was instantly healed. In fact, they were about to discharge the child to that hospital because she's well already. We are also thankful seeing the child healed by God.
 We bring back all the glory and honor to Him alone.

(Jerry's testimony)
Jerry is 18yrs old, a new believer saved from many vices, a carpenter, now a man with great authority
 and directness on his life. Jerry preaches and demons leave.

 As what we have observed right now in our surrounding, a lot of people claimed to know Christ and did nothing but abomination before Him just like this old man whom I preached the Gospel. And as he heard the Word of God, knowing himself that he is a sinner and spiritually dead, it really shakes and shocked his silence. This man with very strong personality at first is now showing his humbleness before God and started to confess his sins.  All the glory and honor belongs to God ..

(Jayson and Arnel's Testimony)

Even UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) which is very known to us doesn't escaped from the power of God. As we continued to hunt for souls, we saw this family with great sorrow because of the condition of their child having UTI. After we shared the Gospel which is the goodness of Christ and repentance over sins, we prayed for their child but before that, they repented from all of their sins and they received Christ. The Lord heard their prayers, our prayers and their child was instantly healed. WOW! Praise God.
 And there are still a lot of repentance happened in that hospital. Many healing also such as body pain, hyper-acidity and so much more.  To God be the Glory!

 This happened after Diagan’s hospital outreach. The miracle or the Power of God flows like a river and exploded like a bomb awakening the dead spirits.
Before we entered in the hospital, just in the hall way,  the spirit of the Lord overtakes us and led us to speak before many people,  a hundred or so all frightened and desperate was there. So we go for it not giving ourselves the chance to feel the fear before all the people that were in the waiting area.
Naomi was the one who preached the Word of God powerfully.  The words that God had given to them were very strong and on hearing the people cannot stop themselves crying and repenting from their wicked ways. They don't even mind the presence of many people passing by in and out of that building. Many of them accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. After the preaching, we went in and find more souls in that hospital and while walking, we kept on praising God and we cannot contain the joy that God had given to us upon sharing the word.  Praise God!

(Jose's Testimony)
Jose’s is just 16yrs old and came to us with much oppression and darkness on his life. Now his willingness and boldness to share the gospel in any situation despite the personal risk is inspiring

Right person, right place or area, that's how the Lord will is going to lead you. I was standing just beside the woman with her child lying on bed with dengue fever. The child is very sick. I started the conversation by asking her what was the condition of her child and then I grabbed the opportunity of having the chance to tell her about Yeshua our Lord and suddenly tears started to fall down on her eyes. Again another miracle happened. The woman repented and asked for prayers and her faith caused her child to be healed and brought her to exceeding gladness. The Lord heard all her prayers.  How great is our God :)

(Naomi, Felyn, and Jerry's Testimony)

As a young people we have no experience of being pregnant, I'm still not familiar about these things. Not everyone but most here, when a woman pregnant woman experienced difficulties in giving birth, there's a possibility that  it would cost her life and the life of her child. Worse, if she doesn’t have personal relationship to our God. But God is so good :) As we walked continually, a woman drew near to us and we talked about our mission. She spoke only for a moment but told us that there are many woman also in Obstetrics wards- a room for a woman giving birth to her child that needs also to hear the Words of God. SO we went straight there as we were led and we found out many woman just gave birth with their husband and some are parents also. We preached there, and many repented from their sins. One of them has UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). She testified that it was very painful for her to give birth due to UTI that she's been suffering for a long time. But God saved her from the den of pain. After the prayer, when we asked her, she said. “It’s gone already. The pain was gone.” With a very joyful face, she said those lines and lastly, she gave thanks to the Lord. The mother of this woman is Christian already and I can see in her eyes during our prayer, her faith was really very strong.
 Same room also, another woman turned to Christ. This woman is had a caesarian because of difficulty in giving birth. She said that she still had pain but God healed her. This really proved that no matter how dark or bad you are, if you repent and accept Him as your Lord and personal Savior, then he will hear from heaven and show you great things. He will also heal your wounded life and you will find refuge to Him alone.
 And last, a bible school graduate there whom after hearing God's word repented and cried before the Lord. This woman after she graduated in the bible school, she decided to build her own family. The moment we talked to her, she felt very sad and the image of regret was on her face already. Regret because of forgetting His commitment to God for the sake of her own desire. But still, she's thankful that a group of young people reminds her that very important thing which is the personal relationship to God.

(Ate Vennie's Testimony)

Proven that a man is not the type of person that easily get hurt and cry because of their very strong personality. But even if you're an army, if the Words of God strikes you, from being strong, you will become weak. Just like this 45 year old man with a very complicated condition that was lying on the bed. His face was very exhausted so I went closer to him and started to share. The word was very huge that it penetrates in his heart and caused him to cry. After sharing, he repented and heartily asked forgiveness to the Lord and healing did happened. God is so good.

(Naomi's Testimony)

I've met a woman who was being caught up by the spirit of idolatry and even after now, she's still a servant of it. She had a stroke because of high-blood. As I offered prayers for the sick, she went closer to me. Regarding to our conversation, she told me that she's a catholic doing and worshiping idols and other catholic things. I told her about idols and more things about this and I also said to her, “ if you really believed Christ, surrender those things and trust God alone not those craven images who has an eye but cannot see, who has an ear but cannot hear, who has the same image of human but physically and spiritually dead. But this woman has a very strong hold to idols so when she asked me to pray for her, we don't let the Holy Spirit to be grieved, I left that woman and there was no healing happened. She has to wait her idols to heal her.
We also prayed for many children with different illness such as cough, fever and etc. Days after the outreach we got a text from one of the patients there and she said that her child was healed already. She was very thankful most especially to God. We bring back all the glory to Yeshua alone.

(Aunty Vennie and Julie Beth Testimony)
Julie Beth is just 18yrs old and came to the Lord less than a year ago
A loveable sister who at one time been arrested & handcuffed for illegal gambling

This testimony shows again that God is omnipresent or doing God's work is everywhere. We went to KCC Mall which is the most over crowded mall in Gensan. Before we entered we have to wait in line to enter. That's how KCC is every day. Instead of standing and waiting, Julie Beth began sharing about Christ to the one stood next to her. Then, after moving forward, she began to share with the one in front also. Again, the person just ahead of that person got the gospel and so she preached and shared again and again and again. And the last time she preached there, many people heard it so they came closer and listened. They were about twenty-two who listened including those who fall in line. Praise God for that!

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