For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. - 1 Corinthians 2:2

Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. - Ephesians 5:6

Well what a week this has been, with more prophetic events revealed and exposed than is usually seen over a period of several years. What is collated here in this Newsletter edition is not a 5-minute read. Firstly I encourage you to FACT CHECK everything that you may read here. If you know of further facts that updates or significantly changes any particular article posted here then please do let me know. 

Secondly, I try to distill this list of events down to RELEVANT information only. Our reporting is for the purpose of disseminating TRUTH. Kingdom saints SHOULD NOT promote alarm, fear, drama or embellishment. If there is no merit, as exciting as a subject may be to the BBC or SKY NEWS it wont be included on this list. Most of what you read here will not even be on the their broadcasts as it contradicts and exposes their propaganda. 

For those dear souls that say, we do not need to bother about world events, because God wins in the end! Thank you for your counsel, and certainly there is some truth to that. However it should be balanced with the understanding that Christ rebuked the Pharisees for not be able to discern the signs of the times. Ezekiel was also warned that if he did not faithfully declare what he saw coming then the Lord would hold him accountable for his silence and their blood would be upon his hands. Christ also said, 

What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, 
that preach ye upon the housetops. Matt 10:27

But there is a bigger picture. Never in this generation have so many world events all conspired together to fulfill biblical prophecy to such a spectacular degree. All 7 heads of the beast are appearing to converge around the same agenda and goal of massive control, worldwide vaccine & associated mark, crash the already bankrupt economy and blame it on the “Covid”, world wide social disorder and famine which will tragically result in vast depopulation if this careering wrecking ball is not stopped. Hunger Games was headsup.

The economy, which no one is mentioning is another MASSIVE issue that we will reserve for another newsletter. But, behold, we have already have a One World Government, you don’t see or hear about it, its bigger than the UN but how or why else do you think that most all sovereign states are following in precise lockstep with lock down and vaccine agenda? Because there is an unseen shadow government that controls and dictates to most all the nations, with very few maintaining their independence. You can easily know which few they are by the level of ceaseless vehement hatred that the Main Stream Media throw at them. And the endless accusations & threats from the Western powers towards them. Nothing is as most have been pre-programmed to think.

We already have a One World Religion as all creeds & stripes flock for Rome’s blessing. Many YOUTUBE VIDEO’S Openly reveal heads of many “Christian” denominations lining up to meet the Pope? The heads of many Pentecostal, Charismatic, Evangelical creeds and otherwise have gathered around him full of childlike glee and hanging on his every word?!!?

But here is the bottom line, believer Christ said numerous times “Beware that no one deceive you”. Its not about reading these articles here and becoming fearful, its about summerising what going on AND BECOMING PRAYERFUL – If you do not pray for your family with all your heart at this time then who will? Jesus encouraged us that prayer changes things? Will prayer change the ordained order of the end of days? Or are these the dark days that God showed Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah would come? We must be wise spiritual virgins, separated from the world, and waiting for your Master, Be sure that He IS YOUR FIRST LOVE, that you are not lukewarm in your heart towards Him. Be absolutely certain that when you see Him He says “WELL DONE THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT” . Anything other E.g.: “Go from me I never knew you”,would be too awful to even consider… And so to the Newsletter below, read, pray, discern, prove all things … pray more. God bless

Dr Rashid Buttar –top level usa doctor exposes corona lies
 & FAUCI deception - reveals what is the real agenda.

Lockstep – the Rockefeller agenda you are living in a planned –epic The 10 year Plan - Playing out NOW

Anthony Fauci has quietly admitted in a scientific paper that the COVID-19 death rates originally projected, that were to supposedly justify the global economic shutdown are merely on par with an annual flu.

Likewise, the Chinese study that originally justified the harsh measures taken worldwide was retracted and the CCP has released a new study that puts completely different contagion rate on the record that it is a fraction of the original one.

So, with the COVID-19 death count on par with the annual flu, you're probably asking what is going on?

Dana Ashlie says in her video here, "What if I were to tell you that there was a document released ten years agothat completely foretold this entire scenario we are finding ourselves living in?

"What if I told you that that same document not only told the event but its devastating economic after-effects?What do you want to know the stated goal of the document, as well as the stated vision of the people who are behind it? I believe the entire world deserves to know, as well as who benefits from its implementation - because, it is not we, the people..."

The document in question,(click link to watch video)"Scenarios for the Future of Technology and Future Development" was released in 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundation and it describes right NOW !

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates' Vaccine Agenda In Scathing Report: you should learn facts about the man that wants to vaccinate you. What is his track record as regards vaccinations?

Fauci paid wuhan laboratory $3.7 million in 2014 
To progress development of covid-19 because the usa banned it… says rf kennedy jnr…

Prepare yourself forthe id2020 covid-19 ‘immunity passport’ 

That combines digital id with vaccinations, blockchain and nanotechnology

No quarantine proof no travel & no buy groceries

And he (The Beast) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: Rev 13:16

Last week I reported that Emirates Airlines in Dubai wouldn’t allow travellers to fly to Morocco unless they took an on the spot, at the gate, blood test to prove they were coronavirus free. Strangely, they were able to provide positive results within 10 minutes whilst the rest of the world takes 1-4 days to produce covid-19 test results? Where they really testing or was it a world wide statement and example as to what all other airlines will shortly be requiring – PROOF OF VACCINE?

Chile to issue world's first 'immunity passports' to people who have recovered from coronavirus – No Passport – No Travel

Montana county demands government issue wristbands before entry to supermarket
Now, Covid Free ID (identification) is required in Montana Supermarkets. Fail to comply by displaying the PINK wristband and the police will be called… Do you see a pattern developing here? 
Montana county demands goverment issue COVID CLEAR ID at the Store

India plans wristband patient surveillance 

Even with the teeming multitudes, slum dwellers, landfill residents, the homeless that live on the rail lines, COVID FREE ID is required from everyone – See the pattern?

The tragic negatives of “Shelter in Place” It affects the immune, it affects the family, it affects morale and many will lose jobs, house, cars etcTragic consequences of the lock down

Nurse rants because she’s furloughed & cant pay debts?
She Says “NO COVID PATIENTS” only 19 since the chaos began?
portland-nurse-rants-on-lay offs as-there-are-no-covid-patients

China tests new worldwide digital currency with major western retailers CHINESE One World Currency reaches Western Stores

The science is in, uk peaked before the lockdown began? 
Sweden reports just 40 deaths despite media stating that ice rinks were being used to 

Did 2012 olympics opening ceremony summons covid-19 ?
It made no sense at the time – watch it no, what do you think? 

Reported quick cures for corona virus?
This lady has an interesting story, hear her out to the end…

A vaccine to stop belief in god ???
In 2006 a man that looks a little like Bill Gates is giving a lecture to the Dept. of Defense about a vaccine that they had invented that dissolves religious fanaticism? Really? I don’t think you dissolve the Spirit of God within a person heart. All may change but Jesus NEVER Glory to His name…


Jane burgermeister was the editor of an international medical journal. In 2009 she faced a moral dilemma because she was informed from a highly reliable source that the then bird flu vaccine that was about to be rolled out as a MANDATORY vaccine in Europe was going to be deliberately contaminated with a virulent strain of … THE BIRD FLU !??!! It would kill thousands.

The vaccine was to begin as optional and then become mandatory and then Forced if necessary. This woman’s costly decision to do the right thing and raise law suits against the WHO, UN, FBI, CDC and others brought such attention to the matter that the agenda was pulled. Here we are eleven years later and the structure is far advanced to almost carry this off it seems. Watch the video, which is actually in English and has hence evaded being banned. Here we go again!?!! If ONE woman achieved that then, what could a multitude achieve today? One will chase a 1,000, 2 will chase 10,000

In closing this edition of Kingdom Update, 

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