This is a reply to a friends question as to
how I got delivered from Toronto style manifestations
20 Aug 2017
Deliverance from Toronto - It was summer 1988 (Toronto began in
1994) I had been clearly led, more like pressed into waiting on my face before the Lord from
8:30am - 5:30pm every day for what in the end resulted in 90 days.
Thats right, 90 days straight, everyday of my face, I never knew
that it would be more than a day, two at the most, but, once I obeyed and began
to present myself waiting before Him, soon I was caught and could not flee the
deep dealings of our God.
After many weeks, I was prostrate on the bedroom floor as usual,
learning under His instruction to wait patiently, “In your patience posses
ye your souls” Luke 21:19 - Learning to bring every thought into captivity.
What a joyous time it was to learn to stay ones mind on Christ and
things above, I learnt how deliberately toxic the very air is with its constant
distraction and demand for us to function on a two dimensional “space, matter
& time” level only
and remain oblivious to the domain of the living God.
This particular day that I’m writing of, I clearly heard His voice
in my soul - Arise to your knees, I will show you things and you will repent
and never speak of these things again in my name. As I did so, kneeling at the bedside, immediately, the Spirit began
to re-rehearse in my mind numerous events and occasions whereby “spiritual
occurrences where taken place and I was complicit with them. Both facilitating and participating - Eg: slain in the spirit
numerous times, laughing uncontrollably, twitches, ticks, rolling on the floor,
hyper ventilating, I’m ashamed as I write. Even one particular occasion when “a
masquerading as Christ, appeared before me, I was kneeling looking
down to the floor when a white robe and sandalled feet physically appeared
right there before me. “its” hands held my face, this continued for approx.
I was rebuked that Id allowed this manifest ion though it had been
many years before, the Lord showed me that I was aware and forewarned on every
occasion that this was not His Spirit but another spirit, a deceiving spirit, and though I had no witness in my spirit as to
the authenticity of the experience, regardless, my spiritual pride and desire
for the affirmation of others compelled me to “just go with it”, at least it would boost my spiritual events portfolio and increase
my list of testimony material. Wouldn’t I look good for that one eh!
I continued on my knees whilst my history of spiritual events are
being portrayed like a slide show before my minds eye, occasions of when the
room powerfully shook twice were not mentioned, several occasions when the glory was so great that smoke filled the
lower two feet of the room and the weight of glory so heavy that me and the
other person present could not rise.
Also not mentioned as matters of repentance were countless visits, being caught up to the
glory and standing among an innumerable throng, with 150ft angels in
the waves of worship rolling like liquid thunder towards the
direction of the throne before the multitude. Also were not mentioned. Because
for all those events already had the purest sense of Holy Ghost witness and
I was not in the least surprised at the events that were brought
into condemnation, truly, I already knew in my heart that they were from
another kingdom - I little realised the power and significance of “spiritual
deception” at that time. Being more focused on personal elevation within the sad ranks of
those that at that time I considered as spiritual leaders whose approval was
important to my very insecure soul.
As the reminder of these events continued I was instructed quite
clearly - Acknowledge, renounce, repent and never again mention these events in
an attempt to bring glory to my Sons worthy name or use these occasions to seek recognition to myself.
This occurred 6 yrs before Toronto Vineyard ever began proclaiming
the manifestation of a Kundallini spirit as “The Toronto Blessing”. What my
personal deliverance allowed was an expansion and tremendous
insight with much sharper discerning into “False Manifestations”. Which, by
the way, have been the cause and termination of many moves of God across the
In addition, my deliverance kindled a much sharper understanding as
to the operation and presence of this devil in gatherings along with words of
knowledge. Which have many times proved quite amazing as the Holy Spirit
whispers in advance as to the angels of light agenda in the meeting. For
example, what will break out, where in the room and by whom, usually before the
meeting even begins.
Usually, if people are with me when Father reveals such things, I’ll
share the coming sequence of events with them - Their expressions are quite
priceless, when exactly as revealed it comes to pass..
You’d think that being able to hear revelation at that level would
at least gain you a modicum of humble respect among the saints as someone
perhaps having a slight connection with the Father? Quite the contrary, I have been, barred, discredited, talked about
and the most recent being that "the Prophet" of our national Charismatic movement has banned me from speaking at any church under his chain
of command and expelled the one church within his jurisdiction that had asked
me to speak.. Stating that he should have been asked before I was allowed to
speak as I had a different spirit - I sincerely hope I have :)
I have learnt that many people that have succumbed to false
manifestations are not always total anti-christ apostates, many are genuinely
hungry for more of God and suckered in by the ignorance or the arrogance of
their leaders. I know of many that once subscribed to these manifestations and the
groups that promoted them and have since come into maturity and put these days
and influences far behind them.
My sheep know my voice and the voice of a stranger they will not
hear… John 10
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