{-Extracts from 'The Prophetic Call' by Art Katz}.

In Jeremiah chapter 23, God gives us a powerful statement about true
and false prophets. Talk about an indictment! It is one thing to have an
indictment against Israel, but when you begin to indict the prophets of
Israel, when the loftiest and the best and the noblest thing has become
the most profane, then that must be a symbol or a statement of the low
condition of a nation prior to its judgment.

There is a conjunction between prophet and priest:
"The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule on their own
authority; and My people love it so!" (Jer.5:31a).

It is remarkable how self-serving this reciprocal thing is between
heads of movements or fellowships and the false prophets, and how
comfortable they are with one another and how they affirm one another. The
people are in an unspoken agreement with their ministers: "You present a
biblical message. We will pay the bill and have a Sunday service that will
leave our lives free from any kind of demand that would really touch our
true vested interest and value. We don't want a message that is going to
challenge where our heart really is. We want to be able to say, 'Amen' and
'We've been to church'"-and that kind of thing. As the priest, so also the
people. As the pastor/preacher, so also the congregation. Into that
situation we have to come prophetically-and likely be stoned!

'"Therefore their way will be like slippery paths to them, they will
be driven away into the gloom and fall in it; for I shall bring calamity
upon them, the year of their punishment," declares the LORD' (v. 12).

It implies that there is not an immediate judgment, but that there
is an appointed time in which God judges those that profane His
house-those who originally had authentic and holy callings. That may well
be why the Lord is allowing to continue that which is presently being
called prophetic and is so popular, but for them, as with the priests and
prophets of old, there will be a year of visitation or a time when God
calls a halt.

There is a consequence for false prophecy. It will affect the entire
nation and therefore the entire church by the same principle.

"' Thus says the LORD of hosts, 'Do not listen to the words of
the prophets who are prophesying to you...'" (vs. 15-16a).

Notice that God still calls them prophets. It is maybe because the
gifts and callings of God are irrevocable. They still retain their
official title, but what they are performing under that title is in God's
sight an abomination. There is nothing more profane than when the sacred
is no longer authentically sacred. When we take the sacred phrase, 'Thus
says the Lord' and merely employ it as a device to win the attention of
our hearers, then we are desecrating the sacred. We are making the sacred
profane and once we have done that, what else can be hoped for? If we are
not as a priestly people setting forth the distinction between the profane
and the sacred, what can be hoped for in the world? The ramifications of
what we are talking about are beyond any full grasp.

"They keep saying to those who despise Me, 'The LORD has said,
'You will have peace'; and as for everyone who walks in the
stubbornness of his own heart, they say, 'Calamity will not come
upon you.'" (v.16b-17).

This must be the very quintessence of what a false prophet is,
namely, the giving of a false comfort and a false assurance of peace that
does not regard the truth of the conditions that need to be faced. It is
an unwillingness to bring a hard word. The things that are prophesied are
normally flattering and encouraging to the flesh, rather than challenging
or threatening. False prophets have historically prophesied peace when
there is no peace. 'Calamity will not come upon you' is unhappily the kind
of prophetic statement that is coming forth even today, especially in
Israel. They are giving a false comfort to those who are not even properly
aligned to God. Humanly speaking, we would not see these people as those
who despise God. God sees them, however, as despising Him and we need to
see it as He sees it. The false prophets are actually bringing a kind of
encouragement to those people who are already out of right relationship
with God and give them an assurance that their relationship with God is in

"But who has stood in the council of the LORD...?"

Moses, who wrote the five books of Moses, could say of himself that
he was the humblest man on the face of the earth. That is true humility,
where we are devoid of any sense of spiritual self-consciousness. We can
merely state the fact of something without any effect upon ourselves,
because the humility is not a statement to our honor. Humility is not
something that man can work up by himself on the earth and develop as a
character trait. Humility is what God is in Himself, and the only one who
will display and exhibit it, is that one who has been consistently in the
presence of God. It is humbling to be there and that is why Moses could
state it not as a credit to himself, but to God, out of whose presence
that humility was established. God requires still that His prophetic men
be in His presence.

I want to say that there is nothing more difficult for anyone than
this requirement. Everything contends against it-the dinner bell, the
faucet is dripping, the light bulb needs to be changed, the dogs need to
be fed-a thousand things continually nipping at you that require
attention. Even if that were not so, there is something about the pulse of
the flesh itself that is inimical and opposed to seeking the Lord. Seeking
the Lord is an extraordinarily difficult thing and few have sufficeint
incentive. It is a suffering, and in fact, just to be more ruthlessly
honest, it is a dying. Living on the earth, in the flesh, in the world and
in time, and to confide and to commune with God, is an extraordinary and
ultimate attainment. If you attain it, then maintain it, because you do
not want to have to do it all over again. Can you maintain it and still go
to last night's birthday party, and dancing, and hooting, and singing, and
stomping and not lose it or be jarred from your sensitive spiritual place
by what seems to be just a time of fun? We are talking about something
very critical. I would not expect in the earth today many men who are in
this place. What then shall we say for the whole rash of prophets that
have arisen in recent years for there are many men professing to be
prophets, but are we hearing the council of God? God's judgment about the
failure to obtain His word in that place is severe.

We can know when the word is out of the council of God because it
has this salutary effect. It will affect the nation or fellowship in
turning it toward God, rather than away from Him and from their evil ways
and their practices. I can remember a full gospel breakfast where the
speaker was from Sweden, a leading evangelical personality, but it could
have been anywhere. He was wearing a Gucci shirt and tie and a silk-type
suit, and he began by saying, "The Lord has spoken to me this morning and
given me a word for you." I leaned forward to catch every syllable that
had come from the heart of God. As I heard it, however, there was nothing
from God at all, but clichés, evangelical phrases and full gospel hogwash.
The men who were hearing that word that morning, and nodding their heads,
and "amening", applauding and affirming, need to know that there are
consequences when we allow that kind of monumental lie to be expressed and
not to be contradicted. It will deaden and dull our sensitivity so that
the next time we will be an even greater candidate for deception for
anything that comes down the pike.

There needed to be someone in that audience that morning to get up
and say, "I am sorry for whatever pain and dislocation I am going to
cause, but I cannot allow that phrase and that statement to be made in our
hearing without being contested. That was not the word of God and we dare
not allow that kind of terminology to be employed merely to sanctify or to
give a kind of credibility to what is otherwise just an ordinary
statement." How often is that being done and to what extent has our
failure to do so had a negative effect on the church today? We have paid
much for cheap, casual references to God, as if we could invoke Him at
pleasure or say, "God gave", when He did not give.

The same ones who will dismiss God rudely are the same ones who will
invoke Him lightly. Prophets are called to come into that whole scenario,
and bring the sword of the Lord, and bring the fear of the Lord, and the
truth of the Lord to people who have been long spoiled by such cheapy
things as I am now describing, and as every one of us at one time or
another, more than we would like, have experienced. This is why we have
anguished and God is calling a halt.

That is why there are false prophets. That is why, if I can say it,
the Charismatic and kindred movements themselves are kind of false
movements, wanting the effulgence of the Spirit and the excitement and the
activity, but evading the cross and the necessity for suffering out of
which the Spirit of God is given as solace, comfort and power. We come
back again and again to the cross. The false prophet speaks words of
comfort when God would not have His people to be comforted, but to be
agitated. True prophets can bear the reprisal, the rejection and the
mortification of that word coming back into their own teeth. They can bear
giving the word and then someone cueing the piano player to drown it out.
Prophetic anguish is to bring the word of God and then to have it refused
and come right back into your teeth. It is mortifying and the antithesis
of the joy and the gratification that comes when the word of God flows out
of you, and through, and into the people who are receiving it. That is
like tonic for your soul. We have to be as willing for the one as the
other, or we will not speak the other. The call to the prophet is the call
to the cross. It is a frequent, if not continual form of suffering of an
exquisite and ultimate kind. Can we say, "Thus says the Lord" without
actually articulating those words or implying those words in your
statement, except that your word has come through the cross? It is out of
a death. It is not your own word, but His, which can only come from that
cross-centered place. That was true for the prophets before the advent of
the cross. Elijah preceded the cross, but he knew the death of it when he
said, "...there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my
word." Jesus knew the cross before He knew the cross. The cross only
exemplified and made visible the thing to which His life was all along

[-From 'The Prophetic Call' - see ]

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