Things have probably quietened down enough for us to post this one now, this happened back in May 2013 with a great and precious brother called Jetter. We worked together for a while, here is a serious of texts I received from him while he was away leading a team of young volunteer missionaries, mostly in there teens to an island group in the mid Philippines.
Late we will post more of Jetters experiences and my guess is you will probably never have heard anything like them, this one is mild.
15 April 2013
Good afternoon dad, dad sorry if i communicate you this time, we are in cebu now, we have 17 volunteers in reaching the lost of cebu, we have team in borbon, camotes island, and gibitngil, 2 area are so ripe, we have establish church in borbon and in gibitngil island but this two teams are suffering because the place have no source of fresh water, for us to have water to drink we wait for the rain but this time no rain that is why we need to buy water to inland cebu. Dad can we solicit from you to help the team to have water, one of the volunteer is suffering dehydration, now dad, we have a commitment here whatever it takes, what ever it cost we will finish the task here for God's glory, hope you will help us also in prayer, your son, brother, co worker in the Lord Jetter. For God's glrory
Yes dad i am looking for a net cafe now, 8 families and 17 youth where baptize in the next team 2 house church establish to the two area here in Cebu. Camotes and gibitngil island. Still continue to pray for our 1 team mates he is in the hospital now with me due to dehydration
19 April 2013
And dad please pray fo the 3 teams, even though they see the situation and they expirience hardship in the field dad they don't want to go home unthl they finish the task, now dad they are so effective in the field they have various bible study.
Good eve dad, please pray for me and the rest of the teams cos the other day an old woman who is bedreding, the team goes there and we pray the old woman is ok now, she is percecuted be she allow us to come to her house, people think that we are witch because the woman heal, this day all of us got fever and sunburn, please for us also cos we have a great battle people here even though they are catholic they worship also the dwarfs living in a small hills in there barangay. Your son jetter.
Amen J, we will pray, u r in the heat of the battle and u know already the Lord is with u all. He demonstrates His power already! Praise Praise. Press on and endure hardness. Thnx God for u all
Thank you so much for all of your prayers, team camotes they baptize today an 83 years old man, he decide to be baptize before he died, this is the fruit of your prayers to God be the glory.
23rd April
Teams update as of this day, team camotes they have 1 baptism last friday, 5 bible study contacts. Team borbon they have 6 bible study, 27 recieve Jesus, miracles also happen some people who are sick get heald. please pray the team borbon cos every nigth their are some people throwing stones where the team stayed. Team medellin they have 4 bible study in community in the 4 place and 1 house church in the community this coming thursday they have baptism schedule. Please continue to pray for the great harvest.
1st May 2013
Thanks and to God be the glory 2 leaders in the catholic church imediate change last day, 1 he is caticist, and now he is telling the truth about Jesus, and now the priest and the other leaders of the catholic church persecuting him, and also nanay clorita she is now teaching about Jesus, and people in the island telling her that she is a lier. Please pray pray for them.
3rd May
Thank you so much for your prayer, and continue to pray the teams, team borbon experience the power of God this moment cos we share the gospel to a mute woman and the team pray to her imediate the mute woman hear and she thank God and cry for joy.
4th May
To GOD be the glory, the harvest is great this summer, a lot of people come to know the lord, and they are faithful, and obey Jesus, please continue to pray for financial need of the teams, if you love to give your love that would be a blessing to us here in the fields.
6th May
We realy ask your prayer rigth now, team medellin will be out to the area this afternoon because the barrangay change his mine, and he will not allow now to do evangelism to the community and he can't promise the safety of the team. Also the team camotes they are trait by some people. Please pray we really need your prayers.
Don't fear son God is with you we are praying
Thanks dad, for the safe of the people here we will live the area cos two people came and force us to leave.
Shake the dust son, they don't reject u but Him who sent u.. Wen they told Jesus to leave the Gaderenes, H left no question. The Lord is with u
dad i can't shake the dust dad cos some people here want to know the lord, they want to hear more they cry now.
JETTER 7th May 2013
Dad please pray for us after we leave the place in the mountain of cebu in the house of kuya rene where we stay was burn last nigth, and they don't know burn there house and also one who recieve Jesus and follow water baptist was die somebody shot him, we are in the police station now. Please pray we have a suspect yet but we don't have event hope the truth revels
Thanks for your prayers dad, we are in the town of medellin in the northern tip of cebu, the area where the house of kuya rene is in the mountain area. We are in the boarding house waiting to meet the other team, continue to pray the strength of the teams, our food. Even we are hear in the boarding house dad we will continue to evangelize today.
We are 7 in this team dad, i have 3 teams the two teams also encounter persecution and spiritual warfare.
Dad Pls pray for the safety of those who stay in that place and give ther life to God
JETTER 8th May 2013
Thanks dad, you know dad the friend of kuya rene who die the other, is a persecutor and a killer, but kuya rene is always sharing the gospel to him, last friday he was baptize, and monday nyt he was die somebody shot him.
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