What is the difference between Yoga, The New Age,
Communism & Extreme Islamic Jihad?
Not any difference really same root - All Satan
Not any difference really same root - All Satan
just different fruit. All lead away from Christ
The only
name given whereby we must be saved Acts 4:12
What's the difference
between Prada,
Pornography & The Gestapo.
No difference really, same root just different fruit.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No difference really, same root just different fruit.
What's the difference between
Ghandi, Hitler
& Bishop Desmond Tutu ?
None, they all influences entire nations away from the true and living God
None, they all influences entire nations away from the true and living God
and His Son the Lord Yeshua and into an
eternal hell.
Ghandi said I tried Christianity and it did not work for me
Ghandi said I tried Christianity and it did not work for me
he then went on to promote Hinduism
Bishop Desmond Tutu said I'd rather go to hell than spend forever
Bishop Desmond Tutu said I'd rather go to hell than spend forever
with a homophobic God
Hitler - Well - Enough said
Jesus said "Accept a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God".
Hitler - Well - Enough said
Jesus said "Accept a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God".
What's the difference between a beautiful "Church building"
Closing our eyes when praying & Saying the Sinners prayer?
No difference - All the same in that none of the above is mentioned in the bible!
What's the difference between
A missionary, An Intercessor, A gift of deliverance & A Pulpit?
No difference - All the same in that none of the above is mentioned in the bible!
What does the bible say about Christmas - Celebrating Christ's birth?
But He does tell us
To Celebrate His death
"This do in remembrance of me"
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