What is the difference between Yoga, The New Age,
Communism & Extreme Islamic Jihad?

Not any difference really same root - All Satan
 just different fruit. All lead away from Christ
The only name given whereby we must be saved Acts 4:12


What's the difference between Prada,
 Pornography & The Gestapo.

No difference really, same root just different fruit.

What's the difference between
Ghandi, Hitler & Bishop Desmond Tutu ?

None, they all influences entire nations away from the true and living God
 and His Son the Lord Yeshua and into an eternal hell.

Ghandi said I tried Christianity and it did not work for me
he then went on to promote Hinduism

Bishop Desmond Tutu said I'd rather go to hell than spend forever
with a homophobic God

Hitler - Well - Enough said

Jesus said "Accept a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God".

What's the difference between a beautiful "Church building"
Closing our eyes when praying & Saying the Sinners prayer?

No difference - All the same in that none of the above is mentioned in the bible!
What's the difference between
A missionary, An Intercessor, A gift of deliverance & A Pulpit?
No difference - All the same in that none of the above is mentioned in the bible!
What does the bible say about Christmas - Celebrating Christ's birth?
But He does tell us
To Celebrate His death
"This do in remembrance of me"


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