The Lord Provides Again

Side view - Will look much better when cleaned & painted

A couple of months back we began to experience a dire need for a place to accommodate, feed & train some of the many converts were are seeing the Lord add to His church daily. Didn't know what to look for or where or how much to pay. Then a sister that knew nothing of this texted to tell us of a relative was about to rent a large old building and did we want to see it"? The place is perfect for what we want, the rent is very fair for the amount of space and already the sister that informed us offered to pay 25% of the rent!!! So, today we take it over and we will use it as an Outreach & training Centre.

It can sleep 40, seat 50 and has an adjoining three bedroom mission house.

Typically, we are not buildings orientated, they cost so much to buy or build and then there's the running costs. Usually we can achieve so much here in this warm climate rent free byway of classrooms, halls and even under trees. Often the sky is our ceiling and the dirt our floor and the Lord shows up in power regardless.

We have probably seen more tears fall to the dirt here than I ever have seen fall on deep carpets in beautiful sanctuaries in the west. How we dream and pray for that day to come.

Thousands and thousands give their lives to Christ

But in practical terms, the revival here is catching up with us as we have already witnessed literally thousands and thousands give their lives to Christ. But, now we have a critical shortage of labourers for follow up. Who knows what the Ethiopian Eunuch's strategy was for founding what remains, still today, the worlds oldest church, the Coptic church. Though sadly being decimated by Egyptian Islamist extremists I might add. 

Our leading is to use this centre for fast track discipleship so that any believer from our outreach areas that feels to can come and can learn basics, return to their place and help the work progress. Is it a perfect plan? Wouldn't 5 years in an established bible seminary not be better? Possibly, but we have neither time nor resources or that much proof it would be better. We know this, if we do nothing, not only will nothing happen, but worse, all may be lost. 

Upstairs hall & rooms

God Knows, He Guides & He Provides
So, today the deposit of £625/$1,000 is due, As of last night we didn't have it.. Didn't know where to get it except our God - Jehovah Jireh, so we only told our God - Jehovah Jireh "Father if this is your plan we require your supply". Actually, not having substantial cash reserves to fall back on is the very scenario I dreaded about us if ever returning full time ministry. How many years have I delayed in my surrender of going to the mission field because of that "poverty fear? Many!!! At least whilst in business I had a degree of control (actually fear avoidance) in that we could fund what we want when we want. But, as our heavenly Father see's fit to strip us of that carnal confidence and income and establish greater trust in Himself, we learn yet again, if that "where He guides He provides". We have little doubt He guided us to rent this place, Here's further confirmation...
Last night, while meeting another missionary at a mutual friends house a brother texted to say he'd like to see me right away. I replied explaining we were out but could meet later or today. He seemed insistent that we should meet without delay even if it was just for five minutes so I confirmed that was fine.

We had in fact, met this dear man and his family one time before, and on that occasion the Lord had led him to sponsor one of our many outreaches, during which many souls came to Christ. It was a good eternal investment. Shortly I received another text to say my friend was outside the place we were.

I excused myself from the company and went down to meet him. He was very interested to know our next outreach, which actually was due today, but due to another car

Would like to turn this courtyard into a typical "tropical" covered outreach café

repair (car is in the shop  again now) I explained that we have delayed till Tuesday. But, also we are to take over an outreach centre and have to receive the keys tomorrow. He reached into his pocket and passed to me a large roll of notes, he said his urgency was because he wanted to catch us before we left for this weeks mission and said hopefully this will help with your ministry. I thanked him sincerely, we shook hands and parted.
I wasn't till I got home and we counted what this family had sacrificed, that I had to text him as perhaps he'd made a mistake in the dark. Because, here, was the exact £625/$1,000  deposit we needed to take over the centre. In Filipino terms, that amount is massive. We are profoundly humbled again by Gods great faithfulness and this families sacrificial obedience.

Someone else texted "You have a centre to train the tribal? Ok I'd like to provide a sack of rice every month".

Later I heard Jo pray "Lord please provide a rice cooker", A few days later someone else just text "Sister ***** wants to provide you a rice cooker". For the record we certainly do not broadcast the needs. Since we are not building ourselves a little empire, only seeking to do as the Father leads, we are at rest trusting Him to supply.
So, now we have an outreach centre. As well as training new converts, outreach teams will go from here into the "downtown" streets around us to reach the mass of prostitutes, drug addicts, drunkards, homosexuals and transgenders that fill this area, plus anyone else we can reach with the good news of Jesus Christ.
We have no plan for this centre to be like a Holiday Inn! No, it should as close as possible reflect conditions we encounter on the mission field. However, at least a chair to sit on or a table for reading and writing would be welcome relief. That will of course come.
Actually, today we also received our very first ever donation through this site. Thank you friends. We are indeed truly are thankful as we see our Father provide for every detail. Be encouraged to trust God in your situation.

If you'd also like to sponsor an aspect of the work
Simply click the secure "Donate" link to the top right of the page
We are investing in eternity together 




1 comment:

  1. So excited as I follow your journey! In fact some of us here have come together in prayer seeking God regarding outreach. We are no longer content with what we were seeing. We are desperate not only to have the FULL GOSPEL preached but signs and wonders following! We are being led by the Holy Spirit and will go where He leads us. I am encouraged by all your reports! Please lift a prayer for us...the west is a hard place right now to reach but we are fully surrendered to do God's will and trust in Him and in the power of His Word! God bless all you guys!Thanking God for you!
