6 Of Us To Hold her Down

 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies,
 that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. Psalm 8v2

This week we were way up country holding a three day teaching I’d be asked to conduct several weeks ago. I was quite surprised as the 33 students present was mostly under twenty years of age with one little fellow being only twelve! Surprisingly, every session flowed and we were able to touch on deep things without hindrance to the flow of the spirit. Many things I can’t get to discuss in a 3 day pastors seminar I was able to teach and more to this young group?

At the end of the Wednesday afternoon session, as I was spending time praying with line of the attendees I could see a situation developing just a few metres away as probably the smallest girl there, 14 yrs old, 4ft 9ins and around 40kg/80lb was becoming more animated and emotional by the moment. I watched as the leader who had invited us had to grab her flying wrist. I discerned demons and excused myself from the prayer line. I gripped her head and commanded demons to go in Jesus name.  

As soon as I had commanded the devils to leave she rose up and roared in a deep masculine voice NOOOOOO! Then the real fireworks began as we crashed to the floor trying to contain the situation.  What happened next began a one & half hour session of writhing, kicking, screaming and roaring. It took six of us, all much bigger than her, to restrain her from injuring either herself or others. What was in her was strong. Pity the guys that tried to hold the legs. Already, Our friend, the leader who had invited us for these three days had taken a kick which cut and bled his foot.

Deliverance has no formula – The power comes from relationship

When such occurs and it often does, there is no formula or special series of words or sentences that will cause a demon to eventually leave. Sometimes is all over fast, sometimes not so. Sometimes the manifestation is minimal, sometimes massive. God’s grace and power is sufficient for all. Much is dependent on how the spirit entered the host in the first place.

Did the demon come through the womb through the ancestral line, God told Moses that a curse could be to the third and fourth generation Exodus 20:5. Apart from that demons will mercilessly enter a person much the same way a thief or an attacking military would enter a house. Any which way they can.

Pornography Addiction

If the door to the body is open by way of sin, they will enter through that. Further, Jesus said in Luke 11v34 that “the eyes are the light of the body,” we find many spirits will enter through the eye gates. So, “Beware what you look at”. In this day of smart phones and instant internet access a re-occurring demonic stronghold we confront among those we minister to are demons of lust entering by a pornography addiction or Spirits of violence through video games etc.

Can a Christian have a Demon?

For those that say a Christian cannot have a demon, with every respect you may be a little out of touch with the godlessness of the real world, the nature of demons & the word of God. Agreed, It is impossible for a Christian to be possessed by a demon. But it is certainly possible that a believer can be the possessor of a demon. Just as there were demonised people in the synagogues in Christ’s day (Mark 1v23) there are still demon spirits (fallen angels) in places where they should not be today. But, scripture is clear “Beware about defiling that temple”

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy,
which temple ye are. 1 Cor 3v16,17

Demons return to their old house

Demons will come back to an empty house – Has Christ emptied your house from the past? What have you allowed it to be filled with? If it’s not filled with Christ as your first love, if you are lukewarm and Christ is now outside of your life knocking to come in then according to scripture your house is empty.

When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when
he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Matt 12: 43,44

The house was cleaned & redecorated (garnished) but “Empty”. Who cleaned it? Obviously Christ, who emptied it of Christ’s presence? Obviously, the owner. Both Christ stands and demons seek a home in our lives. Christ the gentleman will knock, call and wait for an invitation. But demons will seek to enter any way possible. Be it moral decay, backsliding, wilful iniquity, or even trauma.

Entry is at the weakest point

I used to own a security alarm business; we offered free property security checks. Pointing out that a determined thief will take advantage of any weak spot in the fabric of the building. At times the owner would scoff, remarking a thief would never get in there. However, weeks, months later we would receive a call from this client requesting we come and fit a system soonest as they had experienced a break in at the very point that we advised was at risk. I have even been asked several times if I arranged the break in. What is the weakest point in your life?

But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision
for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. Rom 13:14

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 1 Pet 5:8,9

Demons can enter through Trauma

In the military, I attended a course on “Hostile House Entry”, basically teaching us how to penetrate a building held by enemy forces. It was quite interesting to learn all the different ways you can come through the walls, roof or even the floor with a little plastic explosives or grenades. There is a big bang, a big shock and before the smoke clears you are in the building already. I’m writing that to say this; often we ask a person “When did this situation begin occurring in your life”? Many times you will hear a reply something like this “Oh! I can easy remember as it’s about the same time I had the car crash, or the same time as Aunty Sally died” or some other shock to the soul. How a spirit comes in as not so important that it goes out and in the mighty name of Jesus and we have seen thousands go out. However, if a spirit seems reluctant to go, or its difficult for them to go, if possible a little dialogue with the host can often cast light as to how that devil came in and that information is often a key as to how they will go out.

We do not converse with demons

I understand that its a practice for some in ministry to converse with devils that they are trying to cast out and that’s loosely based on the occasion when Jesus asked a demon it’s name and even then it did not reply accurately instead stating its number “Legion, for we are many” Mark 5;9. In my experience, they are liars and we certainly do not need any lead from them as to how we should cast them out. We have the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus and as Christ Himself said “

But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.
29  Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods,
except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house. Matt 12;28,29

The key to casting out this devil

I stayed holding the girls head and spoke quietly into her ear asking if there was any sin she had not yet confessed to the Lord? Between bouts of roaring and screaming her own little voice would come through, she whispered “no there isn’t”. Hmm! We had been here many times before and almost always when a demon refuses to leave is because it has legitimate right to stay. Continuing to pray between commands for the demon to leave I’m praying, praying “what is it Lord, what is the key”? I strongly feel is it unforgiveness?

How’ things towards your parents?

Scripture tells us in many places that God will not tolerate rebellion from children to their parents, that’s why it’s one of the Ten Commandments “Honour your mother & your father” Exodus 20:12

 I quietly asked the young lady again repeating until she can reply “is there any resentment or rebellion towards your parents”? Again “No – I love my mother & father” Hmm! I whispered to the others close by that I’m convinced these are “tormenting demons” that are attacking here through unforgiveness in the family. A tormenting demon is different since it is on assignment by the Lord Himself.

God will send demons to torment

Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me: 33  Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee? 34 And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. 35 So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses. Matt 18:32-35

Over the years countless have come for prayer as their life, family, business, relationships, finances, health are all in a big mess. Scenes, not to different from those described above have occurred as demons, sometimes big demons have manifested through the person seeking help and it has become apparent that unforgiveness is the door the demons came through and forgiveness and repentance is the only door through which they will leave. Many have been sent home in the same mess they came as we cannot cast out a spirit of hatred unless the person is first willing to repent and forgive the person they are offended at. Despite the fact this person may have just experienced superhuman strength, speaking in a strange voice; being thrown around like a rag doll and projectile vomiting often they will still not forgive, choosing the demons and hatred rather than Christ and forgiveness.


Hatred has a familiar pattern

Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know
                           That no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 1 John 3:15

Hatred usually doesn’t begin that way; often it starts as a wound through a misunderstanding, a difference of agreement, jealousy, envy, and rejection. There are many ways that a wound to the soul can occur and swiftly become septic. Then the resent begins, swiftly fermenting to offense then bitterness with tell tale signs of narrowing of the eye’s and tightening of the lips when the offender is present. Then there’s an unwillingness to mention their name, worse, increasing scathing criticism whenever their name is mentioned. All of this is the prelude to a spirit of hatred and murder.

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Prov 17:22

Then a strange thing happened

Across the far side of the tropical palm leaf building were we had held our teaching, sat a young blind man. This brother has the most interesting story. A few years ago he had many vices, drugs, drink & gambling. But then an accident occurred and chemicals got sprayed into his eyes costing him his sight. It was during the days of blindness that someone told him the good news of the gospel and he surrendered his life to Christ. Then someone prayed for his healing and miraculously his sight was restored. Ah! But as he began to consider returning to a life of sin, as quick as his healing came it was gone again and remains so to this day.

Though we have seen many blind people instantly healed I had no leading to pray for this man’s healing. However, earlier in the day I had spoke a prophecy over this man stating among others things that as he turned his stillness into a humble waiting before God the Lord would reveal things to him in that he would see what others did not and hear what others could not.

Almost, as if in response to his prophecy he made his way from the other side of the room to where all the noise and screaming was found someone that could bring him close and said “The Lord showed me that she has unforgiveness towards her sister and that is why the demons are tormenting her, they will not leave until she repents”. He had not heard and had no way of knowing what our whispered conversation had been, but the Lord allowed him to see and hear.

I swapped positions with him so he could get down close on the floor beside the girls head and he whispered what had been shown to him everything. Everything went up a few notches and the kicking, writing and roaring reached a new level. Clearly the demons had been exposed and where now under immense pressure with nowhere to hide. If she repented, they would have to walk dry places seeking rest. In bouts of consciousness she explained that her older sister had treated her terribly and that she did in fact hate her.

The deliverance begins with you

The more those around her encouraged her to forgive her sister the more she bared her teeth, twisted her face and roared NOOO! And kicking & thrashing returned with a passion.

After several minutes of encouraging her to repent and forgive I’ve been here often enough to know that you cannot cast out a tormenting spirit sent by God because the key to the deliverance rests with the person themselves and not the demons. Sister Vennie asked if she could get close enough to speak with her, which she did explaining there was no more we could do until she was willing to do her part. Soon the girl's conscience  was enough to let her be carried to her room for rest. She must have been physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted as many of those also were that had been holding her down.

Smiling & Free

Jo & I arrived next morning at eight ready for the last two session. In the group of thirty or so present I saw the young lady sat quietly and smiling beautifully. You could hardly credit that she could sit with such calm and apparent joy knowing what she had suffered only a few hours before. My friend with the still gaping foot injury told me she had come to her earlier that morning to say she had fully repented for holding hatred toward her sister and had fully from her heart forgiven her and she felt a burden had left her. A short prayer later and she left happy ready for the first session.

Do I need exorcism?

Not every spirit requires full exorcism, before they can be cast out. Many will leave after simple prayer following full repentance, restitution (returning what was taken) and restoration (repairing whatever relationship was broken to the best of your ability).

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they

might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

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