Miracles on the Basket Ball Court 5/5

Miracles on the Basket Ball Court                                 5 of 5                                     23 March 2013


Apart from a few prayer stops for the sick along the way, we also got to share to group of ten elderly Catholics who all gave their lives to Christ. Then onto our last outreach before heading back home. This last venue was in a Muslim fishing village. There was a basket ball court set back a way’s with surrounding benches and a busy billiard hall adjoining. A basket ball competition was about to begin so there was a reasonable crowd with officials set up with their judge’s tables already. Again no small surprise when our white four wheel drive pulls right up inside the court, we deploy probably looking something like well rehearsed Special Forces leaving a Blackhawk as in seconds disco music is powering out and whatever they feel about the intrusion they seem to like the music.

I saw Jesus Christ the Son of God

We do not have long so I start to speak with Vennie interpreting. I humbly ask for just a few minutes please as I explain why I am there and that I have a very important message for them to hear. I tell them how at the darkest hour of my life Jesus the Son of God appeared to me and showed me my sin. If it was Buddha that appeared I’d be a Buddhist today, if it was the Pope I’d be a Catholic, If it was Mohammed or Allah I’d be a Muslim. But it wasn’t any of those it was Jesus Christ the Son of God. I share that my greatest sin, a sin so evil in the eyes of God it alone could send me to hell. How that my greatest sin is also their greatest sin today – The sin of SELF WILL, You can always see the shock on the hearers faces when you explain that self will is like telling God He’s not God, you are god, and that its idolatry and God hates it, further, that there will only be one God in heaven and since it’s not us then where will spend eternity for a life time of acting like we are god?

I cover that Christ born of a virgin is the cure that God has offered for our selfishness and our sin. “Will you today accept Gods only son, Gods only cure or will you reject him”? Many of these grown men raise their hands at the invitation and ask Christ to forgive their sins and to come into their lives.

God will Prove We Are Telling The Truth – He will Heal You

Pain in the chest for 2 years - Could not take a deep breath
Jesus totally healed him
As usual, we state that God will prove our words are true by healing the sick. We only have a few minutes left before the competition starts, about ten people come forward. In my line a man that has had constant back pain immediately confesses relief. Another man that has pain in the chest for two years, worse when takes a deep breath instantly experiences the pain leave his body, he begins experimenting with all kinds of deep and deeper still breaths, he cannot find the pain! His joy is clear to see, Jesus healed him.

Instantly healed of cataracts

Just as I think I’m done, my line is all prayed for and the girl’s line is about finished also. For some reason Vennie brings a gentle old lady to me and asks if I will pray with her. I’m puzzled but don’t ask why as we always want the people we are praying for to know that we care about them and they are more than just numbers in a prayer line to us. I ask if she understands me, she does, I ask what’s wrong and she replies “cataracts, I can hardly see”. We say a little prayer and she smiles, saying “I can see perfectly now thank you very much and reaches out to shake my hand”. I ask Jun to check her in case we have misunderstood each other – She reaffirms, “I can see perfectly now, thank you very much”. As we are packing up to leave she comes again to shake my hand and looking me clearly in the eye repeats her thank you.

You can still sense a degree of shock in the atmosphere that Christians would just drive not only into their community but right where they are about to have a basketball competition and challenge them to decide “Do you believe we are telling you lies or is it possible God has sent us to tell you the story of Jesus today”? One lady said to one of the team “Why did you not tell us you were coming as many further back in the village would have liked to hear this today – Next time. Two hours later we are back in our rental.

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