God is Not Mocked - 100 Houses Burnt to the Ground

Sheep to the Slaughter - An estimated 120,000 die everyday without Christ
 The Gold Mine – Be Not Deceived God is Not Mocked

Article by Jo (Update to a previous posting)

The next morning we had quite a breakthrough in our prayer time which was evidenced by on fire preaching and many salvations and Healings. Not quite sure what passers by thought as they passed the house as we were VERY loud and there are no windows. Actually the weather was quite cold whilst we were there so very refreshing for me but not so for the poor Filipinos. 

Not good for George either when he had to wash and shave in freezing mountain water. 

We drove down a treacherous rocky track, sheer drops, big rocks, mud & potholes all along the way. But we had prayed and trusted the Lord to keep us to fulfil His plan for the day. Arriving in a small village, built in to the edge of the mountain, known locally as Australia?? Every little shack and home ore breaking factory looked as if it could drop off the precarious slope it was built on very easily!

From the youngest to the oldest - Everyone bears burdens here
We were led to stop at a small store and asked if we could buy coffee. Everything is very flexible here. Even if they don't sell coffee they will try their best to accommodate your request. All business as usual.

We did not realise that this stopping place was directly outside one of the biggest gold mines there is there and by miraculous timing and divine intervention it was shift change and the mine manager "just happened" to be passing us on that little track. Without knowing who he was G & Jun said hello and began to engage him in small talk. When he explained who he was and where he was going we asked and received permission to preach to all the miners. He said the best time was right away. We gulped coffee, grabbed the sound system and headed into the compound. They stopped the entire operation and gave us 30 minutes to share the good news of the gospel. It was a captive audience as it was in their place of work so they had no option but to listen. Perhaps a 100 plus men and ancillary staff listened intently to the message of Gods saving love and the eternal consequence of unforgiven sin. Many of these strong men hung their heads and wept. The manager included. I'd estimate that 90+ percent responded and prayed a prayer asking for salvation. By Gods grace we will return to that place.

Jun Preached at Australia Gold Mine - Many wept as they received Christ

After that we walked about making friends with the people. It is a verrrry long time since these people have seen Westerners unless they go to Davao. White people seldom go to Diwalwal, in fact one lady told us that in her 30 years there she had never seen anyone come and preach and pray for the sick.


We later learnt from some of the new converts in that place that a cult community directly behind the mine compound had heard our preaching and had mocked us and our message to the rest community, The night after a fire broke out in one of the cult homes spreading quickly and burnt every house in their area only to the ground. A 100 or so houses were destroyed but thankfully no casualties. The locals told us openly we know it is because they mocked what you preached. Fear came upon us.

A few days later another Typhoon came through, very strange for weather pattern for Diwalwal, but the only Purock damaged and with many casualties from flying debris again this same place! Be not deceived God is not mocked.

A man carries a freezer whilst Dawn Hope preaches
Just a 100 metres or so from the mine compound entrance we found another good place to set up the speaker system for a JSP (Just Stop & Preach) there were around 20 or so people milling about quite bemused by our presence so a public sharing was timely. One man thanked us for coming and immediately went to the owner of the very noisy Ball Mill beside us (Ball Mill - ore breaking house of 24/7 rollers crushing ore to release gold, almost every home has one). No problem, the man shut down his generators and gave us peace to preach Christ Jesus.

The view from the house we have kindly be offered to stay in.
Better than 8 people all sleeping in the car as we had planned.

The place is really quite a culture shock for the unprepared, full of trash and the smell of human faeces hits your nostrils most places you go. Not sure what is was like before the typhoon but it really is like a hell hole now. You can see Gods blessings are missing due to the corruption and greed of the people, the occult bondage, 80% are on mind numbing drugs and the politicians that run the place turn a blind eye so they can profit from cheap gold.

The 4 Wheel Drive Hotel

Despite this the people are mostly very friendly. Following this last JSP our practise is to have a walkabout and talk with people on a one to one. G, Vennie & myself were invited to come in too an old couples 'home'. They said they had both received Jesus during the preaching. They said they both suffered infirmities so G offered prayer, God is so good, when we prayed and they both got healed of back injuries and arthritis. 

Soon, word got out about the healing miracles
and people began to arrive and the house filled up. We led many more to Jesus and prayed with most for healing, all experienced immediate healings. Eventually we left Vennie talking to a transgender. She informed him that if he didn't give his life to Jesus and be what The Lord made him to be he would go to hell. He admitted that he hated his life and didn't like the way he was. He ended up accepting Jesus and then Anne, who had appeared, prayed for his sinusitis and The Lord healed him. He said repeatedly "Its gone, its gone". Vennie said that to begin with there was a battle as she felt like demons were looking at her through his eyes!

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