We pulled up at a small village on the side of the highway, took out our portable sound system and began to play "I can only imagine". That's what we do, no advertising, no flyers, only asking the Holy Spirit to lead us. We can reach 100,s a day like this and its Very cheap.
Only 20 or so showed up, quite a small group compared to usual. We preached... the cross, repentance & salvation through Christ alone. At invitation all present yielded their life to Jesus and again he confirms again His great love for His lost lambs.
A 7 yr old girl heard the music and came alone, she told one of our team she was in pain with ear infection, Jesus instantly healed her.
A woman discharged from hospital because no more money was still suffering with chest pain and has difficulty breathing, Jesus totally healed her also. She wept with joy and praised God for the relief she experienced.
A woman with bad vision, said she saw constant stars - Gone!
A man with a back injury and locked shoulder - Healed!
A woman whose hand was clenched shut for years - Fully opened in Jesus name. She looked utterly amazed as she repeatedly open an closed her now released hand.
Then they told us that the house we stopped in front belonged to a family that held the village in a cult like grip - They were among those that gave their lives to Jesus weeping!
People die here quickly, shootings, massacres, we are hearing alarming stories of even recent days & weeks, but unreported in the limited press. But, where sin abounds, grace does much more abound.
Both places we visited in the last 24hrs are requesting regular meetings and bible studies, please pray, The Christians are many but the labourers are few. Jesus.
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