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Want One! |
I’d felt led to pray for an opportunity to preach at one of the armed Muslim rebel camps just out of town. Had no idea as to how that would come about and even the locals awash with revival faith told us we must not go there? But I felt faith to continue to pray for an opening. A few days ago, whilst returning to pastor Lito’s house and a man was sitting waiting in his front garden. Before we got out of the car the pastor mentioned this was a feared Muslim commander from the community I had wanted to visit. Lito wondered why he was there. After a short exchange the man told Lito that his granddaughter was lying very sick at the hospital. Lito offered him that Jo & I would go pray! Normal, that could be a tad alarming. But, Immediately I felt peace that this was the opening and the Lord would heal her as a door into this lost community. I explained that if I prayed it would be in the name of Jesus Christ and not “Isa al Masia” THE Muslim name for Jesus. This was ok with him, he said, appearing more afraid and desperate than he did a fearsome rebel commander.
When we arrived at the hospital, it was mobbed with “unarmed” though anxious Muslims from the “No Go” area, we pushed through them right to the bedside and the child seemed coma like in her grandmother’s arms. I went to lay hands on her and felt rebuked by the Holy Spirit not to presume on the Lord but to kneel humbly pray to the Lord, then lay hands on the child. I did this and repented, then prayed. The child’s head felt like it was on fire. I prayed a simple pray, and then asked Jo to come and join me. When Jo prayed the child jerked very noticeably twice then immediately began sweating heavily. The fever had broken. This caused a reaction from the grandmother as she told the others to look at this. We then had to leave as we were already late for our next meeting an hours drive away.
On arrival I asked Lito to call the commander as to how the child was. Lito made the call then smiled, he told us that the child had been instantly and totally healed, if we had stayed just another minute we would have seen her wake up. The nurses had to detach the drip so she could run around.. She was discharged within 30 mins.
interestingly, 2 weeks earlier, at the hospital owner’s invitation, we had visited it for a dedication to the Lord, we prayed for many miracles to occur in the hospital. I guess our Heavenly Father heard the prayer. Praise Him!
Further to the Childs healing, pastor Lito called us this week, he said “I’m at my farm near the Muslim camp, the commander has turned up and is asking what kind of power do you have that you could heal the child?” “Are you faith healers as everyone in the camp wants to know”. I suggested we could come to his camp and explain and also tell them how they also could have this power through Jesus Christ. Lito relayed that and the commander replied “his people would like that, we are welcome”. So we have agreed to visit next time we are in that area. Jo & I are hoping to do that this coming week. Prayers appreciated. They have since texted again this week asking when exactly can we could come and can we pray with some other sick people! Another prayer answered. Behold I set before you an open door. Will keep you posted on this.
Interestingly, this same pastor “Lito” is often in negotiations between rebel forces, the military and the government. It’s not unusual for him to take a call from one side or the other when he is with us. Last week he became quite excited from one such call, then explained that one of the other rebel forces has by their own decision decided to move many kilometres back from the town. This herald’s further peace as the risk of imminent outbreak of unrest diminishes even further still with many laying down their arms and seeking peace treaties with the government forces. This is such a model of revival – Pray and God will heal the land.
I felt several weeks ago we should be visiting this Muslim rebel camp, but everyone said "oh you can’t go there!" So we prayed about it "Lord, you know what you have put in my heart - You please open the door - Amen" And He really did open the door, since we no longer asked to go THEY were now INVITING us! We were invited to come after the Commanders 2 year old granddaughter got instantly healed from what looked like another case of meningitis. Coma, burning fever, head very hot to the touch! As we prayed there in the hospital she quickly jerked twice in the coma. Much to the surprise of everyone she immediately began to perspire. Woke up and then pulled the drip out of her little hand so she could get off the bed and run around.. (See full story below). We loved our visit, when they saw us arrive a woman ran, it was the mother, got the child and brought her out for us to see her well and normal. Then they made us this great coffee and began to bring out some of their armoury! Guns, super power 50mm sniper rifle, an array of rocket and grenade launchers.. Several had 45’s and revolvers tucked into the waistband of their shorts..
After chatting for a while and pray fervently though silently as to what we should do next I found myself saying out loud if anyone else was sick and we could pray for them, but only in the name of Jesus Christ Gods SON!– Once interpreted by pastor Lito one man straightaway ran into a hut and brought out his very sick wife, she shuffled towards us leaning on her husband. Thankfully, our we have learnt not to rest our faith on what we see but on Jesus only as she looked paler than us and quite seriously oppressed.
She explained to Lito she had bad fever, stomach pain & diarrhoea. We stood there among them all, The weapons still lying on the ground beside us and praying and rebuking the fever in Jesus name just as Christ himself did for Peter’s mother-in-law. She began to perspire and smile, telling us she felt the fever lift. Her entire demeanour changed and brightened.
I went back to the rough table that our new Muslim friends were all sat round and sipping from the mug of strong, sweet, coffee we’d received, I glanced across at Lito, with a half smirk that said “So, we cant come here eh!”. Since healing presently doesn’t feature large here, Lito was staring at the now healed woman, staring back at us, staring back at the woman again, then she spoke further. She was explaining that she had another infirmity which was crippled and painful feet for two years. That explained why she was shuffling. I thought she was walking strange because of the fever problem and the stomach pains. She said she could hardly move her feet as they were stiff and had been painful. We prayed again, Jo knelt on the dirt floor and took gentle hold of her ankles, we asked Jesus again to heal her which He did, immediately. She began to walk backwards and forwarders with great joy, before all the Muslim spectators. You would hardly credit this was the some troubled soul as just a few moments earlier.
This second miracle started a rush with different ones here and there meekly raising hands to be the next to receive prayers. The camp leader’s wife raised her hand right up exclaiming me! Me! She told us she’d had a nonstop migraine and it was the 7th day. Within one minute in Jesus name the headache was gone and in a further 15 minutes many other sicknesses were gone in. Thanks to God, it was very exciting seeing His grace and mercy streaming through the religious darkness of this so called “Muslim rebel camp”. In reality, they didn’t strike us as group of people set upon a religious jihad with Al Queda backing. We loved them, they loved us, and it was obvious they were wondering deeply about this Jesus the Son of God that was freely healing chronic conditions among them instantly.
We were humbled when several of the apparent leaders quickly gathered in an impromptu huddle talking, talking then a spokeswoman broke out of the group, arms aloft, animated, pleading on behalf of her Muslim community “How can we pay you for coming to visit us and helping our sick – We have nothing to pay you”? That almost broke my heart wide open on the spot. We explained as best we could that we were there in the love of God and they owed us nothing.
We made moves to return to Mlang they all affectionately gathered round Lito’s bright green car. We were friends, and they warmly and enthusiastically waived us goodbye. We look forward to fulfilling their sincere invitation to return soon and share more of the gospel of Christ with them. We are learning, in order to reach these dear people they must first be assured you are sincere and have genuine respect and care for them. Once they know that to be true, they cannot love you back enough and are open to listen to your message of hope.
Since that visit the leader’s daughter has stayed in touch with Jo, in her texts she always declares her love for Jo and invites to return and visit them. One time they learnt from Lito that they were very interested in solar lights that some of our team sell to help sponsor themselves on their outreach trips. Of course they received a discount but paid the agreed price in full and must be one of the first camps to have a solar panel attached to the roof thatching of their banana leaf hut.
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